
Ambient Air Pollution and Health Impact in China: A Review Based on Chinese Survey




Background/Aim For the exposure-effect relationship of air pollution with health effect is non-linear, and the air pollution levels in developed countries were usually low (PM2.5 mostly below 40 μg/m3), the results from developed countries may be not suitable in China where PM2.5 levels were usually more than 120 μg/m3. Methods and Results We summary the results of our studies as following: 1) Air Pollution and Lung Cancer: Based on a cohort study of Northern China which a total of 39,054 participants aged 40-89 years were followed from 1998-2009, ambient PM10 was positively associated with lung cancer mortality (HR per each 10 μg/m3 = 1.65, 95% CI, 1.52-1.80), which was much higher than the IARC report (HR=1.08, 95%CI:1.00-1.07). 2) Air Pollution and CVDs in Chinese: Based on a cross-sectional study of 24,845 participants aged 18-74 years old, from 33 communities in Northeastern Chinese Cities, the adjusted odds ratio for stroke increased by 1.16 (95% CI, 1.03-1.30) per 19 μg/ m3 increase in PM10. The associations of air pollutants with blood pressure were much stronger in populations with prehypertension than in the hypertensives. Diabetes is the most sensitive indicators for the impact of air pollutants on human health. 3) Air Pollution and Respiratory Health in Children: Study on 31,049 Chinese children, ages 2-14 years old in Seven Northeastern Cities during 2008-2009 found that 10 μg/m3 increase of PM10 resulted to a 38% (OR=1.35; 95%CI: 1.04-1.79) risk excess for asthma in children. The increased odds of lung function impairment ranged from 5% (aOR=1.05; 95%CI: 1.0$11.10) for FVC < 85% predicted per 46.3 mg/m3 for 03 to 81% (aOR=1.81; 95%CI: 1.44, 2.28) for FEV1 < 85% predicted per 30.6 mg/m3 for PM10. Conclusions All these studies may prove to be effective preventative measures that could save lives and improve its quality, while reducing the economic and public health burden that plagues China and other industrialized nations.
机译:背景/目的由于空气污染与健康影响的暴露-效应关系是非线性的,并且发达国家的空气污染水平通常较低(PM2.5大多低于40μg/ m3),因此发达国家得出的结果可能是在中国PM2.5含量通常超过120μg/ m3的中国不适合。方法和结果我们将研究结果总结如下:1)空气污染和肺癌:根据一项针对华北地区的队列研究,从1998年至2009年,共追踪39,054名40-89岁的参与者,周围的PM10为与肺癌死亡率呈正相关(每10μg/ m3 HR = 1.65,95%CI,1.52-1.80),远高于IARC报告(HR = 1.08,95%CI:1.00-1.07)。 2)中文的空气污染和CVD:根据一项来自中国东北城市33个社区的24845名18-74岁参与者的横断面研究,调整后的中风几率比提高了1.16(95%CI,1.03- PM10每增加19μg/ m3 1.30)。高血压前期人群中空气污染物与血压的关联要强于高血压。糖尿病是空气污染物对人类健康影响的最敏感指标。 3)儿童的空气污染和呼吸健康:在2008-2009年期间对东北七个城市的31,049名2-14岁的中国儿童进行了研究,发现PM10的增加量为10μg/ m3,达到38%(OR = 1.35; 95)。 %CI:1.04-1.79)儿童哮喘风险过高。 FVC <45%mg / m3所预测的肺功能损害的肺功能损害几率从5%(aOR = 1.05; 95%CI:1.0 $ 11.10):03至81%(aOR = 1.81; 95%CI:1.44, 2.28)对于FEV1



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