
Regional Variations in Future Temperature-Attributable Mortality




Regional projection studies for future temperature-attributable mortality due to climate change have been actively conducted for decades. Recently, these projection studies tried to estimate the future mortality more accurately by considering not only climate change but also population change and adaptation. However, these regional projection studies are heterogeneous in various aspects of their study designs. On the other hand, there are a few studies which examined the climate-change-induced health effects on global scale. However, these global-scale studies only compared the regional effects of climate change without detailed analysis as to why they vary. As a result, we still have poor understanding on the sources of the regional variations in climate-change-induced mortality. Qualitatively speaking, the regional mortality variations are the results of regional temperature increase and vulnerability. The temperature increases are known to vary from region to region depending on the various factors. The temperature vulnerability varies depending on factors such as population composition and medical level. It is important to deeply understand the key factors and their impacts on future temperature-attributable mortality. This study estimated the future temperature-related mortality in many locations worldwide. The temperature-mortality relationships were estimated using DLNM, and the effect of climate changes on future temperature-related mortality were predicted under RCP scenarios. Then, we examined the contributions of various factors on the regional variations in the mortality. In this analysis, we introduced a new normalized metric which shows the effect of climate change with respect to 100 ppm increase in global C02 concentrations. This study is important to relate the future mortality and 100 ppm increase in C02 concentration, thereby providing guidance for setting a carbon budget. Also, this study shows key factors in regional mortality variations.
机译:数十年来,已经积极开展了关于气候变化引起的未来温度归因死亡率的区域预测研究。最近,这些预测研究试图通过不仅考虑气候变化,而且考虑人口变化和适应,来更准确地估计未来死亡率。但是,这些区域投影研究在其研究设计的各个方面是异类的。另一方面,有一些研究在全球范围内研究了气候变化对健康的影响。但是,这些全球规模的研究仅比较了气候变化的区域影响,而没有对其变化的原因进行详细分析。结果,我们对气候变化引起的死亡率的区域差异的根源仍然知之甚少。从质量上讲,区域死亡率的变化是区域温度升高和脆弱性的结果。已知温度升高取决于各种因素而在不同区域之间变化。温度脆弱性取决于人口组成和医疗水平等因素。深刻理解关键因素及其对未来温度归因死亡率的影响非常重要。这项研究估计了全球许多地方未来与温度相关的死亡率。使用DLNM估算温度与死亡率的关系,并在RCP情景下预测气候变化对未来温度相关死亡率的影响。然后,我们检查了各种因素对死亡率区域差异的贡献。在此分析中,我们引入了一种新的标准化指标,该指标显示了全球CO2浓度每增加100 ppm,气候变化的影响。这项研究对于关联未来死亡率和二氧化碳浓度增加100 ppm具有重要意义,从而为设定碳预算提供指导。此外,这项研究显示了区域死亡率差异的关键因素。



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