
Optimum synchronization of orthogonal multi-carrier modulatedsignals




This paper proposes a new joint symbol timing, symbol period andfrequency offset estimation method for orthogonal multi-carriermodulation signal. The method is based on the maximum likelihoodcriterion making effective use of “cyclostationary property”of the orthogonal multi-carrier modulation signal, and requires nospecial signal such as pilot tones to assist the estimation. After alikelihood function for the estimation is derived, an optimum estimatorwhich maximizes the likelihood function is proposed. In addition, inorder to reduce the estimator complexity, a suboptimum estimator is alsoproposed. Computer simulation results show that the optimum estimatorrequires only about 10 observation symbols for the accurate estimationin a frequency selective slow Rayleigh fading channel as well as in anadditive white Gaussian noise channel, and the suboptimum estimator iseffective because of the low complexity, although it requires a longerobservation period
机译:本文提出了一种新的联合符号时序,符号周期和 正交多载波的频率偏移估计方法 调制信号。该方法基于最大似然 有效利用“循环平稳性”的标准 正交多载波调制信号,不需要 特殊信号,例如导频音,以协助估计。之后 推导了估计的似然函数,这是一个最佳估计器 提出了最大化似然函数的方法。另外,在 为了降低估算器的复杂度,次优估算器也是 建议的。计算机仿真结果表明最优估计器 只需约10个观察符号即可进行准确估算 在频率选择性慢瑞利衰落信道中以及在 加性高斯白噪声通道,次最优估计为 尽管复杂度较低,但效率较低,因此很有效 观察期



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