首页> 外文会议>International conference on construction real estate management >Discussions of Strategic Implementation of Construction Enterprise in Project Management

Discussions of Strategic Implementation of Construction Enterprise in Project Management




Based on the investigation of the current development of construction enterprises, this paper analyzes the necessity for enterprise development strategies. It points out that project is key for construction enterprises to realize their strategic objectives. The paper studies the project-based realization of enterprise strategies from the following three aspects: (1) enterprises should adopt a global view in project management, aspire for maximum value for projects, follow cultural concepts such as brand and system, etc., so as to ensure the consistency between project concept and enterprises’ strategic objectives; (2) they should bring forward project screening methods aimed at different development stages based on differentiation strategy theories; and (3) they should deepen project organization management, to reduce project cost, exert cost advantage, and realize enterprises’ cost leading strategy.
机译:在对建筑企业发展现状进行调查的基础上,分析了企业发展战略的必要性。指出项目是建筑企业实现战略目标的关键。本文从以下三个方面研究了基于项目的企业战略的实现:(1)企业应在项目管理中采取全球视野,追求项目的最大价值,遵循品牌和制度等文化理念,因此确保项目概念与企业战略目标之间的一致性; (2)应根据差异化战略理论提出针对不同发展阶段的项目筛选方法; (三)深化项目组织管理,降低项目成本,发挥成本优势,实现企业成本领先战略。



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