首页> 外文会议>Petri Nets and Performance Models, 1993. Proceedings., 5th International Workshop on >Queueing Petri Nets-A formalism for the combined qualitative andquantitative analysis of systems

Queueing Petri Nets-A formalism for the combined qualitative andquantitative analysis of systems




System analysis is often needed with respect to both qualitativeand quantitative aspects. In recent decades, several formalisms havebeen developed that attempt to combine these aspects in one description.Present emphasis is on stochastic Petri nets. One disadvantage of theseformalisms is the difficulties when describing scheduling strategieswith Petri net elements. A new version of queuing Petri nets (QPNs),which combines queuing networks and Petri nets, aiming at eliminatingthese disadvantages is described. The new version also exhibits themodeling of timed transitions and timeless queues for describing purescheduling mechanisms. QPNs are a superset of queueing networks and(generalized stochastic) Petri nets. The analysis of QPNs is discussed,and it is shown that efficient analysis techniques from Petri net theorycan be exploited for analysis of QPNs, thus supporting the generalobjective of combining Petri net and queueing network formalisms
机译:经常需要对定性和定性进行系统分析 和定量方面。近几十年来,一些形式主义已经 已经开发出试图将这些方面结合在一起的描述。 目前的重点是随机Petri网。这些的缺点之一 形式主义是描述调度策略的难点 与陪替氏网元素。排队Petri网(QPN)的新版本, 它结合了排队网络和Petri网,旨在消除 描述了这些缺点。新版本还展示了 定时转换和永恒队列的建模以描述纯 调度机制。 QPN是排队网络的超集, (广义随机)Petri网。讨论了QPN的分析, 从Petri网理论证明了有效的分析技术 可用于分析QPN,从而支持通用 Petri网与排队网络形式主义相结合的目标



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