
Joint data and channel estimation using fast blind trellis searchtechniques




Proposes a novel method for blind sequence estimation of data thatare transmitted over unknown linear distortive channels. For everypossible sequence that can be transmitted, the procedure finds the bestpossible channel fit corresponding to the noisy channel output sequence(typically using the least squares procedure). The data and the channelare estimated to be those with the overall best fit. This simple butexhaustive search procedure for blind channel equalization isnoninstrumentable because of the exponential growth in its complexitywith the length of the data sequence. The author proposes a suboptimaltrellis search algorithm that strives to achieve the optimal performancewith only a linear complexity. Fast convergence of the algorithm inestimating the channel is demonstrated for binary pulse amplitudemodulation (2-PAM) and a variety of channels. Convergence at highsignal-to-noise ratios (30 dB) typically occurs within 50 symbols forthe channels considered. At a low SNR (10 dB), convergence occurs within100 symbols. The number of states in the decoder trellis, which is ameasure of the decoding complexity, is ML, whereM is the number of modulation levels and L is thechannel memory
机译:提出一种用于数据的盲序的新方法 通过未知的线性扭转通道传输。对于每一个 可以传输的可能序列,该过程找到最佳 可能的通道拟合对应于嘈杂的通道输出序列 (通常使用最小二乘程序)。数据和频道 估计是那些整体最合适的人。这个简单但是 盲信道均衡的详尽搜索过程是 由于其复杂性的指数增长而非价值 具有数据序列的长度。作者提出了一个次优 网格搜索算法努力实现最佳性能 只有线性复杂性。算法的快速收敛 估计信道被证明二进制脉冲幅度 调制(2-PAM)和各种通道。融合在高处 信噪比(30dB)通常在50符号内发生 考虑的渠道。在低SNR(10 dB)时,会收敛发生在内 100个符号。解码器格子中的状态数量是一个 测量解码复杂度,是 M l ,其中 m 是调制水平的数量和 l 是 频道内存



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