
A simple analysis technique for heterodyne ASK and FSK lightwavesystems




An analysis technique for amplitude-shift-keyed (ASK) andfrequency-shift-keyed (FSK) coherent optical communication systems ispresented. The analysis accounts for the phase noise of the transmitterand the local oscillator (LO) lasers, and for additive Gaussian noisestemming from the shot noise and thermal noise. The analysis yields aclosed-form estimate of the bit error rate (BER) as a function of the IFfilter bandwidth, laser linewidth, and bit rate. The accuracy of theanalysis is within 0.4 dB of the sensitivity predicted by more accuratetechniques for ASK, and 0.2 dB for FSK, for optimum and nearly optimumreceivers. This result is valid for a wide range of laser linewidthsfrom 0% to 256% of the bit rate. The Gaussian approximation technique isshown to yield reasonably accurate estimates of the optimum IF bandwidthand of the sensitivity penalty stemming from the phase noise
机译:幅移键控(ASK)和 频移键控(FSK)相干光通信系统是 提出了。分析考虑了发射机的相位噪声 和本地振荡器(LO)激光器,以及附加的高斯噪声 源于散粒噪声和热噪声。分析得出 IF的函数形式的误码率(BER)的闭式估计 滤波器带宽,激光线宽和比特率。的准确性 分析结果在准确度所预测的灵敏度的0.4 dB以内 ASK技术,而FSK为0.2 dB,以获得最佳和接近最佳的效果 接收者。此结果适用于宽范围的激光线宽 从0%到256%的比特率。高斯近似技术是 显示出可以对最佳中频带宽进行合理准确的估计 以及由相位噪声引起的灵敏度损失



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