

机译:西门子/ KWU轻水堆核电站的运行经验



The materials chosen for the main systems and componentsof the pressure-retaining boundary have to grantthe integrity to avoid catastrophic failure under all operationaland emergency conditions during the design life ofa light water reactor nuclear power plant. The quality byproduction according to the basic safety concept used forGerman LWRs provides absence of critical defects at thestart of operation and high safety margins by good mechanicalproperties especially including high toughnessand thus defect tolerance.Ageing mechanisms of the primary systems are neutronirradiation induced reduction of toughness, fatigueand different types of corrosion. They are managed basedon appropriate design, materials selection, manufactureand operational conditions including tracking the relevantoperational parameters.Concerning corrosion, the materials used in lightwater reactor plants exhibit a high general resistance toall relevant mechanisms of corrosion that might occurunder specified service conditions, material conditionsand mechanical loads. On the other hand, as all structuralmetals used for mechanical components are in principlethermodynamically instable under the given environmentalconditions of concern, the actual degree of resistanceto corrosion is always based on the stability ofthe generally protective oxide layer that forms underoperational conditions in high temperature water. Therefore,absolute corrosion resistance can never be achievedin principle. Granting a sufficient corrosion resistance forthe full operational regime is thus always the result ofsuccessful optimization of the interaction between componentdesign, selection of appropriate materials, fabricationand joining (welding) of parts and components andappropriate mild operating conditions. Consequently,when such optimization is not fully achieved, degradationor damage due to corrosion mechanisms may occur undercertain abnormal operating conditions.Among all the relevant corrosion mechanisms to beconsidered, especially the formation of localized cracksby the promotion of corrosion mechanisms related to thegeneral term "Environmentally Assisted Cracking (EAC)"are of particular significance for component integrity. Aprerequisite for the occurrence of EAC is the presence ofcritical values for the determining parameters of the corrosionsystem: material including material condition,environment (medium) and mechanical load. EAC encompassesnot only all forms of corrosion which may leadto crack initiation and growth in aqueous media, but alsopossible combinations of several mechanisms as well asany mutual influence and synergistic effects between thesetypes of corrosion, the occurrence of which always requiresthe presence of mechanical loads. The greatestsignificance and interests in terms of nuclear plant operationare focused on stress corrosion cracking (SCC),environmentally assisted fatigue (EAF) and straininducedcorrosion cracking (SICC). Aspects associatedwith fast neutron irradiation and its effects on corrosionare not considered here. The materials concerned inGerman LWR main systems comprise low-alloy steels,austenitic stainless steels and nickel-base alloys, whichare exposed to the reactor coolant environment of eitherboiling water reactors (BWR) or pressurized water reactors(PWR).This paper gives a comprehensive overview of mainlesson learned about effective corrosion induced ageingand its management in German LWRs as part of the ageingmanagement practiced since start of operation.
机译:主要系统和组件选择的材料 的保压边界必须 完整性,避免在所有运营情况下发生灾难性故障 的设计生命周期中的紧急情况 轻水反应堆核电站。质量靠 根据用于以下方面的基本安全概念进行生产 德国轻水堆提供了关键缺陷的解决方案。 机械性能良好,可开始运行并具有较高的安全裕度 特性,尤其是高韧性 从而提高了缺陷容忍度。 主要系统的老化机理是中子 辐射引起的韧性,疲劳降低 和不同类型的腐蚀。他们是基于管理 在适当的设计,材料选择,制造上 和运营条件,包括跟踪相关 操作参数。 关于腐蚀,用于光的材料 水反应堆电厂对水的抵抗力很高 可能发生的所有相关腐蚀机理 在指定的使用条件,材料条件下 和机械负载。另一方面,由于所有结构 原则上,用于机械部件的金属 在给定环境下热力学不稳定 关注的条件,实际的抵抗程度 腐蚀总是基于稳定性 通常在下面形成的保护性氧化层 高温水中的操作条件。所以, 绝对无法实现绝对的耐腐蚀性 原则。赋予足够的耐腐蚀性 因此,完整的运营体制始终是以下方面的结果: 成功优化组件之间的交互 设计,选择合适的材料,制造 零件的连接和(焊接);以及 适当的温和操作条件。所以, 如果无法完全实现这种优化,则会导致性能下降 否则可能会由于腐蚀机理而导致损坏 某些异常操作条件。 在所有相关的腐蚀机制中 考虑,特别是局部裂纹的形成 通过促进与腐蚀有关的腐蚀机理 通用术语“环境辅助开裂(EAC)” 对于组件完整性特别重要。一种 发生EAC的先决条件是存在 确定腐蚀参数的临界值 系统:物料包括物料条件, 环境(中等)和机械负载。 EAC包含 不仅可能导致所有形式的腐蚀 裂纹在水性介质中的萌生和成长,而且 几种机制的可能组合以及 这些之间的任何相互影响和协同作用 腐蚀的类型,这种腐蚀的发生总是需要 机械负载的存在。最伟大的 在核电站运行方面的意义和利益 专注于应力腐蚀开裂(SCC), 环境辅助疲劳(EAF)和应变诱发 腐蚀开裂(SICC)。相关方面 中子快速辐照及其对腐蚀的影响 这里不考虑。有关材料 德国轻水堆的主要系统包括低合金钢, 奥氏体不锈钢和镍基合金,其中 暴露于以下任何一种的反应堆冷却剂环境中 沸水反应堆(BWR)或压水反应堆 (PWR)。 本文对主要内容进行了全面概述 从有效腐蚀引起的老化中汲取的经验教训 及其在德国轻水堆中的管理作为老化的一部分 从开始运营开始就实行管理。



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