




OverviewFor the past two decades, a strong interest has emerged in favor of the integration of renewable energies in theelectricity mix and in the transportation sector. This constitutes a major concern for developed economies as well asfor developing and emerging countries in order to ensure energy transition policies, to fight against climate changeand reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG). Along these lines, the use of biofuels is encouraged in developedcountries and in emerging economies such as Brazil, China and India for environmental concerns, as well as forpromoting energy security, agricultural opportunities and economic growth. For instance, the European Unionintroduced a blending target of biofuels in petroleum products in 2003 and the Renewable Fuel Standard program(2005) combined with the Energy Independence and Security act of 2007 (36 billion gallons of biofuels by 2020)allowed the establishment of mandatory target of biofuels utilization in the United States' transportation sector.However, such environmental policies may cause externalities or adverse effects on the economy of emerging anddeveloping countries whose activity is highly dependent on agricultural commodities used in biofuel production.Aiming at investigating those issues, this article analyzes the price impact of biofuels on the economy of suchcountries, focusing on the current account consequences. By concentrating on the current account, we fall into thespirit of the oil-macroeconomy literature. Indeed, it is well known that oil-exporting countries experiment largecurrent account improvements following a sharp rise in oil prices (see Allegret, Couharde, Coulibaly, and Mignon(2014) and the references therein). In other words, for such countries, oil windfalls constitute a key source of foreignexchange and income. The price of oil is also a key element behind agricultural commodity prices (see Paris (2018)and the references therein). Shocks in the price of oil spill over agricultural production costs which comprisefertilizer and fuel, thus decreasing supply. On the consumer side, the impact can be either negative or positive. Onthe one hand, positive shocks in the price of oil have a negative impact on demand if in their food purchasingdecisions, households account for price changes in other goods among those oil products. In this case, oil andagricultural commodity prices would have a negative relationship. On the other hand, a positive link betweenagricultural commodity demand and oil prices is likely to occur through the development of biofuels: due to thesubstitution effect between fuel and biofuel, a rise in the price of oil could lead to an increase in the demand forbiofuel. In this context, oil and agricultural commodity prices would be positively related.The preceding argumentsshow that important links exist between the price of agricultural raw materials used in biofuel production, the priceof oil and the current account of emerging and developing countries exporting or importing agriculturalcommodities. While the impacts caused by biofuel production development are likely to be highly significant on theeconomy of such countries, the literature on this topic is very scarce.MethodsFor our estimations, we rely on annual data over the 2000-2014 period. The choice of the starting date, 2000, isguided by data availability considerations. Indeed, we calculate a biofuel feedstock price index (hereafter biofuelprice) based on information provided by the reports of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which date backonly from 2000. The dependent variable is the current account to GDP ratio, extracted from WDI (WorldDevelopment Indicators, World Bank). Turning to the explanatory and control variables, we consider usual currentaccountdeterminants in addition to the biofuel price. As stressed above, we acknowledge that this current account -biofuel price relationship may vary depending on the price of oil. The latter is defined as the simple average (inlogarithm) of Dated Brent, West Texas Intermediate and the Dubai Fateh spot prices, and is extracted from IMF(International Financial Statistics, IFS). Acknowledging this major role played by the price of oil, we account fornonlinearities by estimating a panel smooth-transition regression (PSTR) model, proposed by Gonzalez, Terasvirta,and van Dijk (2005), for a panel of 16 countries – 9 developing and 7 emerging economies – which are eitherexporters, producers or importers of agricultural commodities used in biofuel production. In this type of modeling,the price impact of biofuels on the current account varies, depending on the value of another observable variable,i.e., the price of oil. Specifically, the observations in the panel are divided into two homogeneous groups or“regimes” – high oil price and low oil price regimes –, with different coefficients depending on the regimes.ResultsThe null of linearity is rejected in favor of the alternative of logistic PSTR specification for all panels exceptimporting countries. The latter result regarding importers may be related to the policies implemented in some ofthose importing economies (China, India, and Indonesia for example) in order to protect domestic market frominflation pressures. These measures could have limited the current-account deterioration with the reduction ofinternational price pressures in the domestic market, thus explaining the absence of nonlinearities on the biofuelprice impact on the current account in importing countries. For other panels, our findings show that a rise in thebiofuel feedstock price index tends to improve the current-account position for agricultural commodity-producingand -exporting countries. However, this impact is nonlinear, depending on the level reached by the price of oil.Specifically, we find that for low values of the price of oil—i.e., below 60 US dollars per barrel for our whole panelof countries—, a 10% increase in the price of biofuels leads to a significant current-account improvement of about2%. When the price of oil increases to exceed 56 US dollars per barrel for producers and 45 US dollars forexporters, the effect of fluctuations in the price of biofuels on the current account tends to decrease until becomingnon significant. For commodity exporters which are also oil importers, these findings illustrate that, when the priceof oil increases, the current account is pulled by two opposite forces, making its overall reaction moderate or evennil.ConclusionsOn the whole, our findings put forward the importance of accounting for the effect of the price of oil in designingpolicies to promote the use of biofuels. In particular, while an increase in the biofuel price is benefit for commodityexportingcountries in a low oil price regime, it is no more the case in high oil price states. With regard to the "foodversus fuel" debate, sharp increase in the price of biofuels coupled with strong rise in the price of oil are likely toexert important detrimental effects on the economy of agricultural commodity-exporting countries.
机译:概述 在过去的二十年中,人们对将可再生能源整合到太阳能中产生了浓厚的兴趣。 电力结构和运输部门。这是发达经济体以及 为发展中国家和新兴国家提供能源过渡政策,以应对气候变化 并减少温室气体排放量(GHG)。按照这些思路,发达国家鼓励使用生物燃料。 国家和新兴经济体(如巴西,中国和印度)对环境的关注以及对环境的关注 促进能源安全,农业机会和经济增长。例如,欧盟 在2003年引入了石油产品中生物燃料的混合目标以及《可再生燃料标准》计划 (2005)与2007年的《能源独立与安全法》相结合(到2020年将达到360亿加仑生物燃料) 允许在美国交通运输部门建立强制性的生物燃料利用目标。 但是,此类环境政策可能对新兴市场国家的经济造成外部性或不利影响。 活动高度依赖于生物燃料生产中使用的农产品的发展中国家。 为了调查这些问题,本文分析了生物燃料对此类经济的价格影响。 国家,着眼于经常账户的后果。通过专注于经常账户,我们可以 石油宏观经济文学的精神。的确,众所周知,石油出口国进行的大型试验 石油价格大幅上涨后经常账户改善(请参见Allegret,Couharde,Coulibaly和Mignon (2014年)及其中的参考文献)。换句话说,对于这些国家来说,石油暴利是外国的主要来源 交换和收入。石油价格也是农产品价格上涨的关键因素(见巴黎(2018) 以及其中的参考文献)。溢油价对农业生产成本的冲击包括 化肥和燃料,从而减少供应。在消费者方面,影响可能是负面的也可能是正面的。在 一方面,如果在购买食品时,油价的正面冲击会对需求产生负面影响 决定中,家庭要考虑这些石油产品中其他商品的价格变化。在这种情况下,油和 农产品价格将具有负相关关系。另一方面,两者之间的积极联系 由于生物燃料的发展,农产品的需求和石油价格很可能会发生: 燃料和生物燃料之间的替代效应,油价上涨可能导致对燃料的需求增加 生物燃料。在这种情况下,石油和农产品价格将呈正相关。 表明用于生物燃料生产的农业原料价格与价格之间存在重要联系 石油以及新兴和发展中国家出口或进口农业的经常账户 商品。虽然由生物燃料生产发展引起的影响可能对生物 在这些国家的经济中,有关该主题的文献非常稀少。 方法 对于我们的估计,我们依赖于2000-2014年期间的年度数据。选择开始日期2000 受数据可用性注意事项的指导。实际上,我们计算了生物燃料原料价格指数(以下称生物燃料)。 价格)基于美国农业部(USDA)的报告提供的信息,该报告可追溯到 仅从2000年开始。因变量是从WDI(世界 世界银行发展指标)。关于解释变量和控制变量,我们考虑通常的经常账户 除生物燃料价格外,其他决定因素。如上所述,我们承认该经常帐户- 生物燃料价格关系可能会因石油价格而异。后者定义为简单平均值(以 日期布伦特,西德克萨斯中质原油和迪拜法塔赫现货价格的对数),摘自IMF (国际金融统计,IFS)。认识到油价扮演的主要角色,我们考虑到 通过估算面板平滑过渡回归(PSTR)模型(由Gonzalez,Terasvirta, 和van Dijk(2005),参加由16个国家组成的小组-9个​​发展中经济体和7个新兴经济体- 用于生物燃料生产的农产品的出口商,生产商或进口商。在这种类型的建模中, 生物燃料对经常账户的价格影响取决于另一个可观察变量的价值,即石油价格。具体来说,面板中的观察分为两个同质的组,或者 “制度” –高油价和低油价制度–,具有不同的系数,具体取决于制度。 结果 拒绝线性度的空性,有利于除了所有面板的Logistic PSTr规范的替代方案 进口国。关于进口商的后一种结果可能与某些人实施的政策有关 这些进口经济体(中国,印度和印度尼西亚)以保护国内市场 通胀压力。这些措施可能会限制当前账户随着减少的恶化 国内市场的国际价格压力,从而解释了生物燃料上的非线性 对进口国目前账户的价格影响。对于其他面板,我们的研究结果表明 生物燃料原料价格指数倾向于改善农产品生产的当前账户职位 和港口发展国家。然而,这种影响是非线性的,这取决于油价达到的水平。 具体来说,我们发现,对于油脂价格的低值,我们的整个面板每桶低于60美元 在国家 - 生物燃料价格增加10%,导致了关于关于的重大目的账户 2%。当石油价格上涨超过56美元的生产者,为生产商和45美元 出口商,波动在经常账户中的生物燃料价格的影响往往会降低 非显着。对于也是石油进口商的商品出口商,这些研究结果表明,当价格 油增加,当前账户被两个相反的力拉动,使其整体反应中度或甚至 零。 结论 总的来说,我们的调查结果提出了会计在设计中效果的重要性 促进生物燃料使用的政策。特别是,虽然生物燃料价格的增加是多样化的奖励 国内低价制度的国家,在高油价中的情况下不再是这种情况。关于“食物 与燃料“辩论,生物燃料价格急剧增加,加上石油价格强劲上涨 对农产品出口国经济发挥着重要影响。



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