首页> 外文会议>Software Metrics Symposium, 1999. Proceedings. Sixth International >Measurement of change: stable and change-prone constructs in acommercial C++ system

Measurement of change: stable and change-prone constructs in acommercial C++ system

机译:变更的度量:一个稳定且易于变更的结构商业C ++系统



Our previous studies of developers' ability to predict softwarechange revealed a great potential for improvement of the changemanagement process. What we consider most beneficial is characterizingand understanding software change by measuring it and identifying whatkind of changes take place and how frequent they are. With suchknowledge, it is possible to build change models that help developersmake better predictions regarding future requirements. An analysis ispresented of a commercial object-oriented system-the PMR (PerformanceManagement traffic Recording) system of Ericsson Radio Systems-that waschanged significantly due to the implementation of a set of newrequirements. Measures are used in order to identify stable andchange-prone constructs of the system. The results from the analysis arecomplemented with results from interviews with developers about whatchanges most frequently in a C++ system
机译:我们之前对开发人员预测软件能力的研究 变化揭示了巨大的改进潜力 管理过程。我们认为最有益的是表征 并通过测量和识别什么来了解软件变更 变化的种类以及变化的频率。有了这样 知识,有可能建立有助于开发人员的变更模型 对未来的需求做出更好的预测。分析是 展示了一种面向对象的商业系统-PMR(性能 爱立信无线电系统的管理流量记录)系统 由于实施了一套新的服务而发生了显着变化 要求。使用措施来识别稳定和 该系统易于更改。分析的结果是 补充了对开发人员进行采访的结果 在C ++系统中更改最频繁



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