首页> 外文会议>Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2000. Proceedi gs. Annual >Developing and testing algorithms for stopping testing, screening,run-in of large systems or programs

Developing and testing algorithms for stopping testing, screening,run-in of large systems or programs




When large hardware-software systems are run-in or an acceptancetesting is made, a problem is when to stop the test and deliver/acceptthe system. The same problem exists when a large software program istested with simulated operations data. Based on two theses from theTechnical University of Denmark, the paper describes and evaluates 7possible algorithms. Of these algorithms, the three most promising aretested with simulated data. 27 different systems are simulated, and 50Monte Carlo simulations made on each system. The stop times generated bythe algorithm is compared with the known perfect stop time. Of the threealgorithms two is selected as good. These two algorithms are then testedon 10 sets of real data. The algorithms are tested with three differentlevels of confidence. The number of correct and wrong stop decisions arecounted. The conclusion is that the Weibull algorithm with 90%confidence level takes the right decision in every one of the 10 cases
机译:大型软硬件系统试运行或验收时 测试完成后,问题在于何时停止测试并交付/接受 系统。当大型软件程序是 经过模拟操作数据测试。基于 丹麦工业大学,该论文描述并评估了7 可能的算法。在这些算法中,最有前途的三个是 用模拟数据进行测试。模拟了27种不同的系统,其中50种 在每个系统上进行的蒙特卡洛模拟。产生的停止时间 将该算法与已知的理想停止时间进行比较。三者中 算法二被选为好。然后测试这两种算法 关于10组真实数据。使用三种不同的算法测试了算法 信心水平。正确和错误停止决策的数量为 算了。结论是,Weibull算法具有90% 十个案例中的每一个案例,置信度都会做出正确的决定



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