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Beyond Credential Stuffing: Password Similarity Models Using Neural Networks




Attackers increasingly use passwords leaked from one website to compromise associated accounts on other websites. Such targeted attacks work because users reuse, or pick similar, passwords for different websites. We recast one of the core technical challenges underlying targeted attacks as the task of modeling similarity of human-chosen passwords. We show how to learn good password similarity models using a compilation of 1.4 billion leaked email, password pairs. Using our trained models of password similarity, we exhibit the most damaging targeted attack to date. Simulations indicate that our attack compromises more than 16% of user accounts in less than a thousand guesses, should one of their other passwords be known to the attacker and despite the use of state-of-the art countermeasures. We show via a case study involving a large university authentication service that the attacks are also effective in practice. We go on to propose the first-ever defense against such targeted attacks, by way of personalized password strength meters (PPSMs). These are password strength meters that can warn users when they are picking passwords that are vulnerable to attacks, including targeted ones that take advantage of the user's previously compromised passwords. We design and build a PPSM that can be compressed to less than 3 MB, making it easy to deploy in order to accurately estimate the strength of a password against all known guessing attacks.
机译:攻击者越来越多地使用从一个网站泄漏的密码来破坏其他网站上的关联帐户。之所以能够进行这种有针对性的攻击,是因为用户为不同的网站重复使用或选择了相似的密码。我们重塑了针对目标攻击的核心技术挑战之一,即对人为选择的密码的相似性进行建模的任务。我们展示了如何使用14亿封泄漏的电子邮件和密码对来学习良好的密码相似性模型。使用我们训练有素的密码相似性模型,我们展示了迄今为止最具破坏性的针对性攻击。模拟表明,即使使用了最新的对策,只要攻击者知道他们的其他密码之一,我们的攻击就会在不到一千个猜测中破坏超过16%的用户帐户。我们通过一个涉及大型大学认证服务的案例研究表明,这种攻击在实践中也是有效的。我们将继续通过个性化密码强度计(PPSM)提出有史以来首次针对此类定向攻击的防御措施。这些是密​​码强度计,可以在用户选择容易受到攻击的密码时向用户发出警告,其中包括可以利用用户先前泄露的密码的有针对性的密码。我们设计并构建了一个PPSM,可以将其压缩到小于3 MB,使其易于部署,以便针对所有已知的猜测攻击准确地估计密码的强度。



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