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Port Contention for Fun and Profit




Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) architectures are attractive targets for side-channel enabled attackers, with their inherently broader attack surface that exposes more per physical core microarchitecture components than cross-core attacks. In this work, we explore SMT execution engine sharing as a side-channel leakage source. We target ports to stacks of execution units to create a high-resolution timing side-channel due to port contention, inherently stealthy since it does not depend on the memory subsystem like other cache or TLB based attacks. Implementing our channel on Intel Skylake and Kaby Lake architectures featuring Hyper-Threading, we mount an end-to-end attack that recovers a P-384 private key from an OpenSSL-powered TLS server using a small number of repeated TLS handshake attempts. Furthermore, we show that traces targeting shared libraries, static builds, and SGX enclaves are essentially identical, hence our channel has wide target application.
机译:并行多线程(SMT)架构是具有边通道功能的攻击者的有吸引力的目标,其固有的攻击面更广,与跨核心攻击相比,每个物理核心微体系结构组件暴露的更多。在这项工作中,我们将探索SMT执行引擎共享作为旁通道泄漏源。由于端口争用,我们将端口定位为执行单元堆栈,以创建高分辨率的定时辅助通道,因为它不像其他缓存或基于TLB的攻击那样依赖于内存子系统,因此固有地是隐身的。在具有超线程功能的Intel Skylake和Kaby Lake架构上实现我们的渠道后,我们发起了端到端攻击,该攻击使用少量重复的TLS握手尝试从基于OpenSSL的TLS服务器中恢复P-384私钥。此外,我们表明,针对共享库,静态内部版本和SGX飞地的跟踪基本上是相同的,因此我们的渠道具有广泛的目标应用程序。



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