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A Comparative Study of Attention-Based Encoder-Decoder Approaches to Natural Scene Text Recognition




Attention-based encoder-decoder approaches have shown promising results in scene text recognition. In the literature, models with different encoders, decoders and attention mechanisms have been proposed and compared on isolated word recognition tasks, where the models are trained on either synthetic word images or a small set of real-world images. In this paper, we investigate different components of the attention based framework and compare its performance with a CNN-DBLSTM-CTC based approach on large-scale real-world scene text sentence recognition tasks. We train character models by using more than 1.6M real-world text lines and compare their performance on test sets collected from a variety of real-world scenarios. Our results show that (1) attention on a two-dimensional feature map can yield better performance than one-dimensional one and an RNN based decoder performs better than CNN based one; (2) attention-based approaches can achieve higher recognition accuracy than CNN-DBLSTM-CTC based approaches on isolated word recognition tasks, but perform worse on sentence recognition tasks; (3) it is more effective and efficient for CNN-DBLSTM-CTC based approaches to leverage an explicit language model to boost recognition accuracy.
机译:基于注意力的编码器-解码器方法已在场景文本识别中显示出令人鼓舞的结果。在文献中,已经提出了具有不同编码器,解码器和注意力机制的模型,并在孤立的单词识别任务上进行了比较,在孤立的单词识别任务上,模型是在合成单词图像或一小组现实世界图像上进行训练的。在本文中,我们研究了基于注意力的框架的不同组成部分,并将其与基于CNN-DBLSTM-CTC的方法在大规模现实世界场景文本句子识别任务上的性能进行了比较。我们使用超过160万条真实世界的文本行来训练角色模型,并在从各种真实场景中收集的测试集上比较它们的性能。我们的结果表明:(1)对二维特征图的关注可以产生比一维特征更好的性能,并且基于RNN的解码器的性能要优于基于CNN的解码器; (2)在孤立单词识别任务上,基于注意力的方法比基于CNN-DBLSTM-CTC的方法具有更高的识别精度,但在句子识别任务上却表现较差; (3)基于CNN-DBLSTM-CTC的方法利用显式语言模型来提高识别准确性更加有效。



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