首页> 外文会议>European Control Conference >Control of Wind Turbine by LPV Gain Scheduling with Tower Load Reduction

Control of Wind Turbine by LPV Gain Scheduling with Tower Load Reduction




The aim of this study is to design a suitable LPV (Linear parameter varying) controller for large wind turbine operating in high winds, with the objective to regulate the generator speed at the nominal value, and to alleviate the aerodynamic loads induced on the tower structure by wind forces. This LPV controller is synthesized by minimizing the H∞ norm of the closed-loop system and is gain scheduled according to the pitch angle in real time. The performance of the proposed controller in reducing the tower loads is demonstrated on the FAST simulator for the NREL 5MW wind turbine, and is compared to the classical baseline PI (Proportional-integral) to show that an improvement in performance is obtained for the entire operating range of the wind turbine.
机译:这项研究的目的是为大风运转的大型风力涡轮机设计合适的LPV(线性参数变化)控制器,以将发电机转速调节到标称值,并减轻在塔架结构上引起的空气动力负荷通过风力。该LPV控制器通过最小化闭环系统的H∞范数进行合成,并根据俯仰角实时调度增益。在NREL 5MW风力发电机的FAST仿真器上演示了拟议控制器在降低塔架负载方面的性能,并将其与经典基线PI(比例积分)进行了比较,以表明在整个运行过程中性能均得到了改善风力发电机的范围。



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