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Prediction of Personality Traits in Twitter Users with Latent Features




The globalization of Economy has forced the society to maintain a constant evolution in marketing techniques. It is thus very important to design tools and methods that allow knowing and characterize individuals in groups to develop effective marketing strategies. In this context, any company would be interested in finding the tastes and preferences of people regarding the products and services offered in the global market. One technique that could help in this, is the analysis of the personality of each individual to identify their tastes and preferences. In this way we can offer products and services that meet their needs through appropriate advertising for each type of personality. In this work, we propose the use of latent features, extracted with a diversity of dimensionality reduction methods, to infer the personality of Twitter users using textual content-based features, and we compare the performance of the different techniques. For conducting our experiments, we use the PAN CLEF 2015 dataset consisting of 14,166 tweets in English of 152 different users, and a diversity of classification methods. Our results shows interesting insight about the personality prediction task.
机译:经济全球化迫使社会在营销技术上保持不断发展。因此,设计工具和方法以了解和表征群体中的个人来制定有效的营销策略非常重要。在这种情况下,任何公司都将有兴趣寻找人们对全球市场上提供的产品和服务的口味和偏爱。一种有助于解决此问题的技术是分析每个人的性格,以识别他们的品味和喜好。通过这种方式,我们可以通过针对每种性格的适当广告来提供满足其需求的产品和服务。在这项工作中,我们建议使用潜在特征,并通过多种降维方法提取这些特征,以使用基于文本内容的特征来推断Twitter用户的个性,并比较不同技术的性能。为了进行实验,我们使用PAN CLEF 2015数据集,该数据集由152个不同用户的英文推文构成,共14,166条,并采用多种分类方法。我们的结果显示出有关个性预测任务的有趣见解。



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