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Assessment of the Social and Economic Impacts due to Climate Change in Egypt




Climate change is one of the most pivotal challenges facing the world today. Climate change poses a fundamental threat to livelihoods, ecosystems, water resources, infrastructure, and the global economy. Governments, companies, and societies need to collaborate to control global greenhouse gas emissions, substantially reduce the extent of the future climate change, and avoid its anticipated severe impacts that would undermine development gains. The Paris Agreement builds upon the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and - for the first time - brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries. The Paris Agreement charts a new course in the global climate change action and a base to build an equitable agreement between all countries. Africa is considered as the most vulnerable continent to climate change in the world. This work, assesses the impacts of climate change on the African continent using a qualitative approach. Evidence from the sample studies selected for this work reveals climate change affects infrastructure, human health, job opportunities, the ecosystem in Egypt. In addition, climate change has led to the displacement of inhabitants of most affected regions. Most common climate events in Egypt are drought, flooding, desertification and land degradation. While efforts by the Egyptian government and international organizations have been intensified in reducing the impacts of climate change, there are still some barrier and limitation to adaptation. This paper the possible impacts of climate change in Africa and Egypt. Based on this review, we conclude there needs to be a wakening and preparedness by the Egyptian government to cope with possible catastrophic events rather than waiting for external aid.
机译:气候变化是当今世界面临的最关键的挑战之一。气候变化对生计,生态系统,水资源,基础设施和全球经济构成了根本性威胁。政府,公司和社会需要合作以控制全球温室气体排放,大幅减少未来气候变化的范围,并避免其预期的严重影响而损害发展成果。 《巴黎协定》以《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)为基础,并首次将所有国家带入一个共同的事业,以雄心勃勃的努力应对气候变化并适应气候变化的影响,并提供更多的协助发展中国家。 《巴黎协定》为全球气候变化行动开辟了新路线,为在所有国家之间建立公平协议奠定了基础。非洲被认为是世界上气候变化最脆弱的大陆。这项工作采用定性方法评估了气候变化对非洲大陆的影响。从为这项工作选择的样本研究中得出的证据表明,气候变化影响了埃及的基础设施,人类健康,工作机会和生态系统。此外,气候变化导致大多数受影响地区的居民流离失所。埃及最常见的气候事件是干旱,洪水,荒漠化和土地退化。埃及政府和国际组织在减少气候变化影响方面已加大了努力,但适应工作仍然存在一些障碍和局限。本文探讨了气候变化对非洲和埃及的可能影响。根据这项审查,我们得出结论,埃及政府需要唤醒并做好准备,以应对可能的灾难性事件,而不是等待外部援助。



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