首页> 外文会议>Joint annual meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology >Age, gender and lifestyles in difference urinary levels of cadmium, lead, cobalt, copper in Taiwanese - Taiwan Environmental Surveys for Toxicants 2013-2016

Age, gender and lifestyles in difference urinary levels of cadmium, lead, cobalt, copper in Taiwanese - Taiwan Environmental Surveys for Toxicants 2013-2016




Background Our previous study revealed that Taiwanese exposure to higher levels of certain hazardous metals than the other developed countries. However, the information of difference levels of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), cobalt (Co) and copper (Cu) by demographic characteristics and lifestyles are limited. The aim of this study was to determine the association between demographic characteristics, lifestyles and the urinary levels of Cd, Pb, Co, Cu in the general Taiwanese. Methods We randomly recruited 1992 participants age above 7 years old from Taiwan Environmental Surveys for Toxicants during 2013-2016. The levels of Cd, Pb, Co and Cu in the participants' urine samples were analyzed by ICP-MS. A questionnaire survey was applied to obtain individual's demographic characteristics and lifestyles. Results The median (range) levels of urinary Cd, Pb, Co and Cu in participants were 0.61 (ND-8.44), 0.80 (ND-66.0), 0.30 (ND-23.22) and 10.66 (ND-706.13) ug/L, respectively. We found that the urinary Pb and Cu levels of men were 1.2-fold significantly higher than in women (P<0.01), whereas, the urinary Co levels in women were 1.7-fold significantly higher than in men (P<0.05). Besides, the urinary Co level in youths were 2.1-fold significantly higher than in adults (P<0.01). The major component of metal exposure in Taiwanese were Cd and Pb, regardless gender or age, using principal component and cluster analysis. Participants who self-reported betel quid chewing, smoking and passive smoking, respectively, had significantly higher median levels of urinary Cd and Pb than those without (P<0.01). Besides, participants with betel quid chewing and smoking had significantly higher 1.3 to 1.9-fold median levels of urinary Cd (1.0 v.s 0.6 ug/L), Pb (1.5 v.s 0.8 ug/L) and Cu (13.6 v.s 10.5 pg/L) than those without (P<0.05). We concluded that the urinary levels of certain metals exposure in the general Taiwanese varied by age, gender and different lifestyles.
机译:背景我们先前的研究表明,台湾人比其他发达国家所接触的某些有害金属含量更高。但是,根据人口统计学特征和生活方式,镉(Cd),铅(Pb),钴(Co)和铜(Cu)的差异水平信息是有限的。这项研究的目的是确定一般台湾人的人口统计学特征,生活方式与尿中Cd,Pb,Co,Cu水平之间的关联。方法我们在2013-2016年间从台湾有毒物质环境调查中随机招募了1992年年龄在7岁以上的参与者。通过ICP-MS分析参与者尿液样品中的Cd,Pb,Co和Cu含量。进行了问卷调查,以获取个人的人口特征和生活方式。结果参与者尿中Cd,Pb,Co和Cu的中位(范围)水平分别为0.61(ND-8.44),0.80(ND-66.0),0.30(ND-23.22)和10.66(ND-706.13)ug / L,分别。我们发现,男性的尿中铅和铜水平比女性高1.2倍(P <0.01),而女性的尿中钴水平比男性高1.7倍(P <0.05)。此外,青年人的尿中Co水平比成人高2.1倍(P <0.01)。使用主成分和聚类分析,台湾人金属暴露的主要成分是镉和铅,而不论性别或年龄。自我报告槟榔咀嚼,吸烟和被动吸烟的参与者的尿中镉和铅的中位数水平显着高于未食用槟榔的参与者(P <0.01)。此外,咀嚼和吸烟的槟榔参与者的尿中Cd(1.0 vs. 0.6 ug / L),Pb(1.5 vs. 0.8 ug / L)和Cu(13.6 vs 10.5 pg / L)的中位数水平明显高出1.3到1.9倍相比,没有(P <0.05)。我们得出的结论是,一般台湾人中某些金属暴露的尿液水平随年龄,性别和不同的生活方式而异。



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