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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Human Tracking using Face Recognition System




Maintaining surveillance is no easy job, neither is chasing criminals nor looking for kids or elderly people who are lost in crowded areas. This report aims to propose a viable solution for the aforementioned issue. The proposal encompasses the working of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with an add-on of face recognition software created by us. The process flow includes inputting the face of the person (either blacklisted or lost) into the software followed by drone run to scan for the inputted faces and providing live alerts when a match is found along with their location. The application of this project can be extended to look humans in closed environments- such as exhibition halls, pattern tracking, and public safety surveillance. UAVs are the future and using them for such applications help reduce the human efforts, thereby making things easier and human error-free.
机译:保持监视并不是一项简单的工作,追逐罪犯也不是寻找在拥挤地区丢失的孩子或老年人。本报告旨在为上述问题提出可行的解决方案。该提案包括无人驾驶车辆(UAV)的工作,并附上我们创建的面部识别软件的附加功能。过程流程包括将人的面(被列入黑名单或丢失)的面输入到软件中,然后将无人机运行以扫描输入的面,并在找到匹配的位置时提供实时警报。该项目的应用可以扩展到封闭环境中的人类 - 如展览馆,模式跟踪和公共安全监控。无人机是未来的,并使用它们对于此类应用有助于减少人类的努力,从而使事物更容易和人类无错误。



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