
Three Completely Independent Spanning Trees of Crossed Cubes with Application to Secure-Protection Routing




Kwong et al. (2011) proposed a reactive routing scheme using the multi-paths technique for integrating two mechanisms of route discovery and route maintenance in intra-domain IP networks. They further defined a routing to be protected if there is a loop-free alternate path for packet forwarding when a single link or node failure occurs. Later on, Tapolcai (2013) showed that a network possessing two completely independent spanning trees (CISTs for short) suffices to configure a protection routing. A set of k(≥ 2) spanning trees in a network is called CISTs if they are pairwise edge-disjoint and inner-node-disjoint. Particularly, if k=2, such a set of CISTs is called a dual-CIST. Hasunuma (2002) pointed out that determining if there exists a dual-CIST in a graph is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we investigate how to construct CISTs in a kind of hypercube-variant networks, called crossed cubes, and obtain the following results: (1) The crossed cube CQ_n for n ≥ 6 admits three CISTs. (2) We demonstrate that protection routing is also suitable for relatively large (static) network topologies with scalability, such as interconnection networks with recursive structure. (3) We configure a protection routing in crossed cubes such that all messages transmitted in the network are secure, i.e., no other node except the destination can receive the complete message.
机译:w等。 (2011年)提出了一种使用多路径技术的反应性路由方案,用于整合域内IP网络中的路由发现和路由维护这两种机制。他们还定义了当单个链路或节点发生故障时,如果存在用于分组转发的无环路备用路径,则要保护的路由。后来,Tapolcai(2013)证明,拥有两个完全独立的生成树(简称CIST)的网络足以配置保护路由。如果网络中的一组k(≥2)个生成树是成对的边不相交和内部节点不相交的,则称为CIST。特别地,如果k = 2,则这样的一组CIST被称为双重CIST。 Hasunuma(2002)指出,确定图中是否存在双重CIST是一个NP难题。在本文中,我们研究了如何在一种称为交叉立方体的超立方体变量网络中构造CIST,并获得以下结果:(1)n≥6的交叉立方体CQ_n允许三个CIST。 (2)我们证明保护路由也适用于具有可伸缩性的较大(静态)网络拓扑,例如具有递归结构的互连网络。 (3)我们在交叉的多维数据集中配置保护路由,以使网络中传输的所有消息都是安全的,即,除了目的地之外,没有其他节点可以接收完整的消息。



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