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Upgrading In-service Spacecraft with On-orbit Attachable Capabilities




Missions change, markets change, and operating environments change, but satellites are typically unchanged for their entire lives. The Hubble Space Telescope was a rare exception to this rule. The ability to upgrade an operational satellite using robotic manipulators and autonomous operations, without human presence, was demonstrated by the DARPA-Boeing Orbital Express program in 2007. The public-private DARPA-SSL Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (RSGS) program aims to provide a longer-life servicing capability, bringing a suite of new capabilities to the satellite constellation in geosynchronous orbit (GEO): inspection, tug/relocation, anomaly resolution, refueling, and on-orbit upgrade. Once in place, the RSGS servicing vehicle would be available for spacecraft operators to contract for its use over its anticipated 8- to 15-year lifetime. While inspection, refueling, tugging, and anomaly resolution deal with client space vehicles as-is, the upgrade service would open a new frontier of opportunities to maximize the utility of in-space assets by increasing (or replacing) mission capabilities. It also has implications for improved mission assurance, reduced cost for GEO operations, and more frequent technology refresh. This paper considers: types of upgrade payloads that may be compelling to develop; methods to deliver upgrade components to RSGS for installation on a host spacecraft in GEO; a scale of increasingly complex interconnection approaches between an upgrade package and a host vehicle (from simple mechanical clamp-on all the way to plugging into the host's power/data bus); and other considerations for GEO satellite operators, science payload developers, national security planners, and even entrepreneurs to evaluate. With the advent of on-orbit servicing capabilities, the static nature of satellite capabilities and configurations is on the verge of a dramatic change.
机译:任务发生变化,市场发生变化,操作环境也发生变化,但是卫星在整个生命周期中通常都是不变的。哈勃太空望远镜是该规则的罕见例外。 DARPA-波音公司的“轨道快车”计划在2007年证明了使用机器人操纵器和无人驾驶自主操作来升级运行中的卫星的能力。DARPA-SSL地球同步卫星机器人私人服务计划(RSGS)是公共-私人计划,旨在提供使用寿命更长的服务能力,为地球同步轨道(GEO)的卫星星座带来了一系列新功能:检查,拖船/重定位,异常分辨率,加油和在轨升级。一旦安装到位,RSGS维修工具将供航天器运营商在其预期的8至​​15年使用期限内对其使用进行承包。在检查,加油,拖曳和异常解决按原样处理客户太空飞行器的同时,升级服务将通过增加(或更换)任务能力,开辟新的机会领域,以最大限度地利用太空资产。它还对改善任务保证,降低GEO运营成本以及更频繁地更新技术产生影响。本文考虑:可能吸引人开发的升级有效载荷的类型;将升级组件交付给RSGS以便安装在GEO中的主机航天器上的方法;升级套件和主机之间的互连方法越来越复杂(从简单的机械钳夹到插入主机的电源/数据总线);和其他考虑因素,供GEO卫星运营商,科学有效载荷开发人员,国家安全计划人员甚至企业家进行评估。随着在轨服务功能的出现,卫星功能和配置的静态性质即将发生巨大变化。



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