首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications >A Dynamic Multi-Layer Self-Healing Algorithm for WSN using Contiki OS

A Dynamic Multi-Layer Self-Healing Algorithm for WSN using Contiki OS

机译:使用Contiki OS的WSN动态多层自修复算法



Some of the constrains on a WSN are the limited power source this kind of nodes rely on, and the unreliable wireless links, hence it is imperative to implement different self-healing and topology control mechanisms to extend the lifetime of the network. We proposed and implemented a layered algorithm that generates the initial topology of the network, splits the network in clusters, selects a Cluster Head (CH) that represents the cluster, and puts to sleep the Non-CHs nodes (preserving their battery), and finally implements a mechanism that creates disjoint paths to recover the network when a single node fails. The whole system is implemented on real nodes running Contiki OS and Matlab on the sink.
机译:WSN的一些约束是这种节点所依赖的有限电源以及不可靠的无线链路,因此必须实现不同的自愈和拓扑控制机制以延长网络的寿命。我们提出并实现了一种分层算法,该算法生成网络的初始拓扑,将网络拆分为多个群集,选择代表群集的群集头(CH),并使非CH节点进入休眠状态(保留其电池),并且最终实现了一种机制,当单个节点发生故障时,该机制可以创建不相交的路径来恢复网络。整个系统是在接收器上运行Contiki OS和Matlab的真实节点上实现的。



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