
PATIP-TREE: An Efficient Method to Look up the Network Address Attribution Information




The IP address attribution information includes the geographical information, the network routing information, the agency information, Internet Content Provider (ICP) information, etc. Nowadays, the attribution information is important to the network traffic engineering, which needs to be obtained in real time in network traffic analysis system. The existing proposed methods for IP address attribution information lookup cannot be employed in actual systems efficiently due to their low scalability or bad performance. They cannot address the backbone network's requirements for real-time IP address attribution information lookup, and most lookup methods do not support custom IP address attribution lookup. In response to these challenges, we propose a novel high-speed approach for IP address attribution information lookup. We first devise a data structure of IP address attribution information search tree (PATIP-TREE) to store custom IP address attribution information. Based on the PATIP-TREE, an effective algorithm for IP information lookup is proposed, which can support custom IP addresses attribution information lookup in real time. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the existing methods in terms of higher efficiency. Our approach also provides high scalability, which is suitable for many kinds network address such as IPv4 address, IPv6 address, named data networking address, etc.



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