
Load Balancing in Network Voronoi Diagrams Under Overload Penalties




Input to the problem of Load Balanced Network Voronoi Diagram (LBNVD) consists of the following: (a) a road network represented as a directed graph; (b) locations of service centers (e.g., schools in a city) as vertices in the graph and; (c) locations of demand (e.g., school children) also as vertices in the graph. In addition, each service center is also associated with a notion of capacity and an overload penalty which is "charged" if the service center gets overloaded. Given the input, the goal of the LBNVD problem is to determine an assignment where each of the demand vertices is allotted to a service center. The objective here is to generate an assignment which minimizes the sum of the following two terms: (ⅰ) total distance between demand vertices and their allotted service centers and, (ⅱ) total penalties incurred while overloading the service centers. The problem of LBNVD finds its application in the domain of urban planning. Research literature relevant to this problem either assume infinite capacity or do not consider the concept of "overload penalty." These assumptions are relaxed in our LBNVD problem. We develop a novel algorithm for the LBNVD problem and provide a theoretical upper bound on its worst-case performance (in terms of solution quality). We also present the time complexity of our algorithm and compare against the related work experimentally using real datasets.
机译:负载平衡网络Voronoi图(LBNVD)问题的输入包括以下内容:(a)以有向图表示的道路网络; (b)服务中心(例如城市中的学校)在图中的顶点位置;以及(c)需求的位置(例如学童)也作为图中的顶点。另外,每个服务中心还与容量的概念和过载惩罚相关联,如果服务中心过载,过载惩罚将被“收取”。给定输入,LBNVD问题的目标是确定将每个需求顶点分配给服务中心的分配。此处的目的是生成一个分配,以使以下两个项的总和最小化:(ⅰ)需求顶点与其分配的服务中心之间的总距离,以及(ⅱ)服务中心超负荷时产生的总罚款。 LBNVD问题在城市规划领域得到了应用。与该问题有关的研究文献假定容量无限或不考虑“过载惩罚”的概念。在我们的LBNVD问题中放宽了这些假设。我们针对LBNVD问题开发了一种新颖的算法,并为其最坏情况的性能(在解决方案质量方面)提供了理论上的上限。我们还介绍了算法的时间复杂度,并使用真实数据集与相关工作进行了实验比较。


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