
Monitoring System to Strive against Fall Armyworm in Crops Case Study: Maize in Rwanda




The food security has received much attention due the hunger that usually affects some countries in Africa. Pests are very dangerous to crops and reduce the harvest of affected crop and can cause risk if no technical methods are applied to strive against them. Fall armyworm (FAW) is one the pest that has attacked the priority stable crop of Rwanda (maize) since last year 2017. This reduced the expected harvest from this crop. The presence of this pest costs the government to use drones and other special forces to strive for it, but pest will remain a problem if there is no regular, automatic way to detect the pest and strive for it at the early days of attacking the crop. This paper introduces a design of a prototype of an automated system that will be able to detect the presence of a fall armyworm in the field. The system will use the new technology of Internet of Things (IoT) where sensors are used to identify the pest location. Once the presence of the pest is detected in the farm, the system will be able to give the information of the affected crop and notify the farmer through his/her mobile phone who will immediately react accordingly. Through the authorization from the farmer, the system will be able to pump pesticides to kill both larvae and eggs of fall armyworm on the affected crop. This automated system will save the farmer's time, as it will monitor the crops while the farmer is occupied with other activities. Lastly the system will help to increase the production of maize in Rwanda since the crop will be safe from the pest.
机译:由于饥饿通常会影响非洲一些国家,因此粮食安全受到了广泛关注。害虫对农作物非常危险,会降低受影响农作物的收成,并且如果不采用任何技术方法来对抗有害生物,则会造成危险。自2017年以来,秋季粘虫(FAW)是一种害虫,它一直侵害卢旺达优先稳定的作物(玉米)。这降低了该作物的预期收成。这种有害生物的存在使政府花费了无人机和其他特种部队的努力,但是如果没有常规的自动方法来检测有害生物并在侵袭作物的早期进行努力,有害生物将仍然是一个问题。 。本文介绍了自动系统原型的设计,该系统将能够在野外检测掉落的粘虫。该系统将使用物联网(IoT)的新技术,其中使用传感器来识别有害生物的位置。一旦在农场中检测到有害生物的存在,系统将能够提供受影响农作物的信息,并通过其手机通知农民,农民将立即做出相应反应。通过农民的授权,该系统将能够泵送农药,以杀死受影响农作物上秋夜蛾的幼虫和卵。该自动化系统将节省农民的时间,因为它将在农民忙于其他活动时监控农作物。最后,该系统将有助于增加卢旺达的玉米产量,因为该作物可免受有害生物侵害。


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