首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering >Awakening the Interest of High School Pupils in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Studies and Careers through Scientific Projects

Awakening the Interest of High School Pupils in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Studies and Careers through Scientific Projects




This paper presents the application of a scientific project concerning variable aero engine inlets, which was conducted within the scope of a high school course over the period of two years. The motivation of developing variable aero engine inlets with a group of pupils is introduced. The approach that is utilised during that course and its implementation are described. The results and benefits of this project for pupils, supervisor, school and university are summarised, e.g. providing the pupils with necessary knowledge and assisting them with their career choices, potentially resulting in increased enrolment numbers and lower dropout rates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics study programmes. An overview of a follow-up project that enables a larger group of pupils and a yearly implementation of a similar course is given. Within the scope of that course, university students will supervise smaller scientific projects that are conducted by groups of pupils over the period of one semester, providing additional benefits for students' soft skills, e.g. communication and conflict management skills.



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