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VAST Challenge 2018: Mini-Challenge 1 Award: Applied Visual Data Science

机译:VAST Challenge 2018:Mini-Challenge 1 Award:Applied Visual Data Science



Effectively combining machine learning techniques and visual analytics to support inferred results is an area of great importance. In this paper, we use the audio collection data provided as part of the 2018 VAST Challenge, which takes place in a fictitious natural preserve where a bird species has been claimed to be endangered by a polluting company. The goal of the mini challenge is to find evidence to support or refute the company's claim that the RoseCrested Blue Pipit (RCBP) is thriving across the Preserve. This required to characterize the patterns of all the bird species in the Preserve and classify newly collected audio recordings into their corresponding species. Our solution implements multiple visual analysis for spatiotemporal pattern discovery and to support results obtained through a machine learning model. Index Terms: [Human-centered computing]: Visualization—Visualization systems and tools
机译:有效地将机器学习技术和视觉分析相结合以支持推断的结果是非常重要的领域。在本文中,我们使用了作为2018年VAST挑战赛的一部分提供的音频收集数据,该挑战赛是在一个虚拟的自然保护区内进行的,该自然保护区声称鸟类受到了污染公司的威胁。迷你挑战赛的目的是寻找证据来支持或驳斥该公司关于RoseCrested Blue Pipit(RCBP)在Preserve上蓬勃发展的说法。这就需要表征保护区中所有鸟类的模式,并将新收集的音频记录分类到其相应的物种中。我们的解决方案为时空模式发现实现了多种视觉分析,并支持通过机器学习模型获得的结果。索引词:[以人为本的计算]:可视化-可视化系统和工具



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