
The Virtual Team Challenge: Is It Time for Training?




There has been considerable growth in the use of Virtual Teams in the past decade, and further growth is broadly assumed as this practice is driven by globalization. Researchers investigating Virtual Teams describe problems these teams encounter, assert that training for virtual team assignments is necessary, and offer suggestions on the issues that such training should address. Further evidence of the need for such training is that a fortune 100 company employed one of the authors to interview their employees and develop the initial version of a Virtual Team training simulation for their use. The 'Virtual Team Challenge' simulation, an updated version of that simulation, is being used in the Rose-Hulman Project Management course. Participants face problems similar to those reported as they manage a simulated project with virtual team members. Participants receive advice and are guided to adopt best practices as defined by our literature review and those offered by the client. Playing time is two to three hours. This presentation includes a literature review, an overview of the simulation (including screen shots), and reports on initial use results.
机译:在过去十年中使用虚拟团队,在使用虚拟团队方面存在相当大的增长,并且在这种做法是由全球化驱动的这种做法的进一步增长。调查虚拟团队的研究人员描述了这些团队遇到的问题,即使虚拟团队分配的培训是必要的,并对这种培训应该解决的问题提供建议。进一步证明需要这种培训的情况是,财富100家公司聘请了其中一位作者面试员工,并开发了用于其使用的虚拟团队培训模拟的初始版本。 “虚拟团队挑战”模拟,更新的该模拟版本正在玫瑰普伦项目管理课程中使用。参与者面临类似的问题与他们管理与虚拟团队成员的模拟项目相似的问题。参与者收到建议,并被指导通过我们的文献审查和客户提供的最佳实践。演奏时间是两到三个小时。此演示文稿包括文献综述,概述了模拟(包括屏幕拍摄),并在初始使用结果上报告。



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