首页> 外文会议>ASME turbo expo: turbine technical conference and exposition >LARGE EDDY SIMULATION OF TRANSITIONAL FLOW IN A COMPRESSOR CASCADE





At off-design conditions, when the blade Reynolds number is low, a significant part of the blade boundary layer can be transitional. Then, standard RANS models are unable to predict the flows correctly but explicit transition modeling provides some improvement. Since large eddy simulations (LES) are improvements on RANS, the performance of LES was examined by simulating a flow through a linear, compressor cascade for which experimental data are available-specifically at the Reynolds number of 210,000 based on blade chord when transition processes occur over a significant extent of the suction surface. The LES were performed with an explicit filtering approach, applying a low-pass filter to achieve sub-grid-scale modeling. Explicit 8th-order difference formulas were used to obtain high resolution spatial derivative terms. An O-grid was wrapped around the blade with suitable clustering for the boundary layer and regions of large changes along the blade. Turbulent inflow was provided from a precursor simulation of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence. Two LES and a DNS were performed. The second LES refines the grid in the vicinity of the separation bubble on the suction surface, and along the span. Surface pressure distributions from all simulations agree closely with experiment, thus providing a much better prediction than even transition-sensitive RANS computations. Wall normal profiles of axial velocity and fluctuations also agree closely with experiment. Differences between LES and DNS are small, but the refined grid LES is closer to the DNS almost everywhere. This monotonic convergence, expected of the LES method used, demonstrates its reliability. The pressure surface undergoes transition almost immediately downstream of the leading edge. On the suction surface there are streaks as expected for freestream-turbulence-induced transition, but spots do not appear. Instead, a separating shear layer rolls up and breaks down to turbulence at re-attachment. Both LES capture this process. Skin friction distribution reveals the transition near the re-attachment to occur over an extended region, and subsequent relaxation is slower in the LES. The narrower transition zone in the DNS is indicative of the essential role of smaller scales during transition that should not be neglected in LES. Simulation data also reveal that an assumption of laminar kinetic energy transition models that Reynolds shear stress remains small in the pre-transitional region is supported. The remaining differences in the predictions of such models is thus likely to be the separation-induced transition which preempts the spot formation.
机译:在非设计条件下,当叶片雷诺数较低时,叶片边界层的很大一部分可能会过渡。然后,标准的RANS模型无法正确预测流量,但是显式过渡建模提供了一些改进。由于大型涡流模拟(LES)是对RANS的改进,因此通过模拟流经线性压缩机级联的流量来检查LES的性能,该级联的实验数据特别可用,当发生过渡过程时,基于叶弦,雷诺数为210,000在很大程度的吸力表面上。 LES是通过显式滤波方法执行的,应用了低通滤波器来实现子网格规模的建模。使用显式八阶差分公式来获得高分辨率的空间导数项。将O型网格包裹在叶片周围,并为边界层和沿叶片的较大变化区域提供适当的聚类。湍流流入是由均质,各向同性湍流的前兆模拟提供的。执行了两个LES和一个DNS。第二个LES在吸力表面上的分离气泡附近并沿跨距细化网格。所有模拟的表面压力分布都与实验非常吻合,因此,即使是对过渡敏感的RANS计算,其预测效果也更好。壁的轴向速度和波动的法线轮廓也与实验非常吻合。 LES和DNS之间的差异很小,但是经过改进的网格LES几乎在所有地方都更靠近DNS。 LES方法所期望的这种单调收敛表明了其可靠性。压力面几乎在前缘的下游发生过渡。在吸力表面上,如自由流湍流引起的过渡所预期的那样出现条纹,但是没有出现斑点。取而代之的是,分离的剪切层会卷起并在重新连接时分解成湍流。两个LES都捕获了此过程。皮肤摩擦分布揭示了重新附着附近的过渡过程,该过渡过程发生在扩展区域上,并且随后的松弛在LES中较慢。 DNS中较窄的过渡区域指示较小的规模在过渡期间的重要作用,这在LES中不可忽略。模拟数据还表明,支持层动能转换模型的假设,即雷诺兹剪切应力在过渡前区域中仍然很小。因此,这种模型的预测中的剩余差异很可能是由分离引起的过渡,从而取代了斑点的形成。



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