首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Communications >Adaptation of a Conference Key Distribution System for the wireless ad hoc network

Adaptation of a Conference Key Distribution System for the wireless ad hoc network

机译:适用于无线ad hoc网络的会议密钥分发系统的适配



In this paper we review previous works done with respect to Conference Key Distribution Systems (CKDS). We focus on the system proposed by Kim et al. and we propose improvements on that scheme a) from the perspective of security and anonymity, b) from the perspective of efficient calculation of the Lagrange polynomial coefficients, and c) from the perspective of adaptation into the dynamic wireless ad hoc network. The security of the proposed scheme is based on the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms over elliptic curves, the intractability of inverting a one-way hash function and the pseudo-randomness of user coordinates. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme through the analysis of characteristic attack scenarios.
机译:在本文中,我们回顾了有关会议密钥分配系统(CKDS)的先前工作。我们专注于Kim等人提出的系统。从安全性和匿名性的角度,b)从拉格朗日多项式系数的有效计算的角度,以及c)从适应动态无线ad hoc网络的角度,我们提出对该方案的改进。该方案的安全性基于计算椭圆曲线上的离散对数的难度,单向哈希函数求逆的难处理性和用户坐标的伪随机性。通过对特征攻击场景的分析,我们证明了该方案的有效性。



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