首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis >A novel matrix factorization recommendation algorithm fusing social Trust and Behaviors in micro-blogs

A novel matrix factorization recommendation algorithm fusing social Trust and Behaviors in micro-blogs




With the advent of social networks, micro-blogs have become increasingly popular and recommender systems have been widely used to provide personalized services for better user experience. Traditional collaborative filtering is one of the most popular approaches but it suffers with two well-known problems: cold start and data sparsity. Trust relationships and interaction behaviors in social networks can be used to find user's potential preferences. In this paper, we focus on the problem of followee recommendation in micro-blogs and we propose TBSVD, a social Trust and Behavior based Singular Value Decomposition algorithm. First, implicit trust is calculated based on user interaction behaviors including mention, comment and retweet while explicit trust is based on the direct connections between users; Then an extended trust matrix is constructed combining both implicit trust and explicit trust. Finally, we utilize both the extended trust and ratings and apply matrix factorization techniques to build the model. Experiments on KDD Cup 2012 dataset demonstrates that our approach TBSVD achieves better performance in terms of RMSE and MSE.
机译:随着社交网络的出现,微博变得越来越流行,推荐系统已被广泛用于提供个性化服务,以提供更好的用户体验。传统的协作过滤是最受欢迎的方法之一,但是它遇到两个众所周知的问题:冷启动和数据稀疏性。社交网络中的信任关系和交互行为可用于查找用户的潜在偏好。在本文中,我们关注微博中的关注者推荐问题,并提出了基于社会信任和行为的奇异值分解算法TBSV​​D。首先,隐式信任是基于用户的互动行为(包括提及,评论和转发)来计算的,而显式信任则是基于用户之间的直接联系来计算的;然后结合隐式信任和显式信任构造扩展的信任矩阵。最后,我们利用扩展的信任度和评级,并应用矩阵分解技术来构建模型。在KDD Cup 2012数据集上进行的实验表明,我们的方法TBSV​​D在RMSE和MSE方面实现了更好的性能。



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