首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems >A Method for Rapid Parameter Research of Sigma-Delta MASH Modulators Using Dynamically Reprogrammable FPAA

A Method for Rapid Parameter Research of Sigma-Delta MASH Modulators Using Dynamically Reprogrammable FPAA

机译:使用动态再编程FPAA的Sigma-Delta Mash调制器快速参数研究方法



A design of analog and digital circuits fabricated in one chip is expensive and time consuming because combined analog and digital prototyping CAD tools are missing. In the paper, the GEN_MASH software using dynamic programmability of the AN231E04 FPAA chip to prototype MASH sigma-delta modulators is proposed. This innovative tool delivers an effective method to analyze and test experimental MASH modulators. Modulator structures can be selected and their parameters adjusted to satisfy desired modulator performances. For comparison purposes, measurements of three MASH modulators with different module block coefficients have been presented in the paper.
机译:在一芯片中制造的模拟和数字电路的设计昂贵且耗时,因为缺少类似的模拟和数字原型CAD工具。在本文中,提出了使用AN231E04 FPAA芯片的动态可编程性的GEN_MASH软件来提出了原型MASH SIGMA-DERTA调制器。该创新工具提供了一种有效的方法来分析和测试实验醪液调制器。可以选择调制器结构,并且调整其参数以满足所需的调制器性能。为了比较目的,纸张中介绍了具有不同模块块系数的三个醪调制器的测量。



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