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Comparison of the molecular descriptors efficiency in modeling the structure-activity relationship

机译:分子描述夹效率对结构 - 活性关系建模的比较



The purpose of this work is to test the combination of various sets of descriptors in the framework of kNN-QSAR method, including the SiRMS descriptors, which allow interpreting the constructed model. An example of case study and interpretation is shown based on the set, that is consist of 90 nitroaromatic compounds tested for in vivo toxicity. Firstly, was investigated different sets of descriptors generated by the Rcdk package, from which the Simulated Annealing (SA) procedure selects different sets of descriptors, which then utilized to develop regression models. Then the other descriptor generation systems - Dragon 6.0 and SIRMS were used. Important conclusion of this study is that once again confirmed the need to select the appropriate set of descriptors in each particular case, which was many times emphasized by other authors. In addition, this work gives an example of proper interpretation of the constructed models.
机译:这项工作的目的是在KNN-QSAR方法的框架中测试各种描述符的组合,包括SIRMS描述符,允许解释构造的模型。案例研究和解释的一个例子是基于该组示出的,其由90种以体内毒性测试的硝基芳族化合物组成。首先,研究了由RCDK包生成的不同描述符集,模拟退火(SA)过程从中选择不同的描述符集,然后用于开发回归模型。然后使用其他描述符生成系统 - 使用Dragon 6.0和Sirm。本研究的重要结论是再次确认需要在每个特定情况下选择适当的描述符集,这是其他作者强调的许多次。此外,这项工作赋予了构造模型的适当解释的示例。



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