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Videophone Conversation of Two Individuals with Dementia Using an Anime Agent System




We reported that videophone conversation was effective in increasing psychological stability of individuals with dementia. We als developed an anime agent system to serve as a conversation partner for individuals with dementia. The computer screen showed an animated face resembling "a 5-year-old grandchild". The agent was programmed to ask any of 120 pre-set reminiscence questions, automatically detect the ends of replies, and follow with new questions. In the third experiment, the remote multi-party conversation system Skype™ was integrated with the agent system. The agent participated as a presenter of conversation topics for the multi-party interaction. Three pairs conversed under two conditions: conversation of two subjects and a chairperson (human condition) and conversation in which the agent participated as a topic presenter to the above groups (agent condition). The quality of the conversation was scored by three evaluators. The average score of the evaluation was 3.9 (78 %) in the agent condition and 4.9 (100 %) in the human condition. With further improvement of this agent system, it will become practical as a topic presenter for multi-party conversation of individuals with dementia.
机译:我们报告说,视频电话交谈可有效提高痴呆症患者的心理稳定性。我们还开发了动漫代理系统,可以作为痴呆症患者的对话伙伴。电脑屏幕上显示出一张动画面孔,类似于“ 5岁的孙子”。座席被编程为询问120个预设的回忆性问题中的任何一个,自动检测回信的结尾,并提出新的问题。在第三个实验中,远程多方对话系统Skype™与代理系统集成在一起。该代理作为多方交互的对话主题的演示者参加了会议。在两个条件下进行了三对对话:两个主题与主席的对话(人为条件),以及代理作为主题演示者参加上述组的对话(代理条件)。对话的质量由三名评估人员进行了评分。评估结果的平均得分在代理人条件下为3.9(78%),在人类条件下为4.9(100%)。随着该代理系统的进一步改进,作为痴呆症患者多方对话的主题演示者,将变得切实可行。



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