首页> 外文会议>Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference >Multi-task recurrent model for true multilingual speech recognition

Multi-task recurrent model for true multilingual speech recognition




Research on multilingual speech recognition remains attractive yet challenging. Recent studies focus on learning shared structures under the multi-task paradigm, in particular a feature sharing structure. This approach has been found effective to improve performance on each individual language. However, this approach is only useful when the deployed system supports just one language. In a true multilingual scenario where multiple languages are allowed, performance will be significantly reduced due to the competition among languages in the decoding space. This paper presents a multi-task recurrent model that involves a multilingual speech recognition (ASR) component and a language recognition (LR) component, and the ASR component is informed of the language information by the LR component, leading to a language-aware recognition. We tested the approach on an English-Chinese bilingual recognition task. The results show that the proposed multi-task recurrent model can improve performance of multilingual recognition systems.



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