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Review of Fissile Material Exemptions and General Licenses in 10 CFR Part 71

机译:审查10 CFR第71部分中的易裂变材料豁免和一般许可



Title 10 of the United States (US) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 71, Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material includes requirements for the transport of fissile material in packages. These regulations provide requirements for packaging that is certified by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to transport fissile material, but the regulations also include provisions that allow for shipment of fissile material in packages that are not required to be certified by the NRC. These provisions include criteria for exemptions from classification as fissile material (10 CFR 71.15) and permit general licenses for limited quantities of fissile material and plutonium-beryllium special form sources (10 CFR71.22 and 10 CFR71.23, respectively). These regulations were revised by NRC as part of a broad rulemaking effort in 2004. These regulations are used frequently for a wide-variety of fissile material shipping operations and shippers must interpret the regulations for particular shipping situations. The quantity of fissile material that presents a criticality safety risk depends on the other materials in the system that might absorb neutrons emitted from fission or moderate (slow) those neutrons to lower energies where the probability of them creating an additional fission is highest. Besides the absorption and moderation of neutrons, other parameters that must be considered to ensure criticality safety are: the mass, concentration, or isotopic distribution of the fissile material; and the system geometry and neutron reflection of the package from surrounding materials. These parameters were carefully considered in developing the requirements for the exemptions from the classification of fissile material and the requirements for general licenses for fissile material. This paper will review the technical basis, intent, and anticipated usage of each of the fissile material exemption and general license provisions. Additionally, this paper will discuss the recent regulatory history of the Part 71 fissile material exemptions and general licenses, including the 2015 rulemaking effort. Finally, this paper will outline an upcoming NUREG/CR document regarding the fissile material exemptions and general licenses, and discuss recommendations that are being formulated for potential future revisions to the regulations.
机译:美国联邦法规(CFR)第71部分第10部分“放射性物质的包装和运输”包括包装中易裂变材料的运输要求。这些法规提供了经美国核监管委员会(NRC)认证可运输易裂变材料的包装要求,但法规还包括允许将易裂变材料装在不需要NRC认证的包装中的规定。这些规定包括免于归类为易裂变材料的标准(10 CFR 71.15),并允许有限数量的易裂变材料和p-铍特殊形式来源的通用许可(分别为10 CFR71.22和10 CFR71.23)。 NRC在2004年作为广泛的法规制定工作的一部分,对这些法规进行了修订。这些法规经常用于各种易裂变材料运输业务,并且托运人必须对特定的运输情况进行解释。构成临界安全风险的易裂变材料的数量取决于系统中可能吸收裂变释放的中子或将中子(缓慢)吸收(降低)中子至较低能量的其他材料,在这些材料中,中子产生额外裂变的可能性最高。除了吸收和缓和中子外,为确保临界安全性还必须考虑的其他参数包括:裂变材料的质量,浓度或同位素分布;以及包裹周围的材料的系统几何形状和中子反射。在制定对易裂变材料分类的豁免要求和对易裂变材料的一般许可证的要求时,仔细考虑了这些参数。本文将审查每种裂变材料豁免和一般许可规定的技术基础,意图和预期用途。此外,本文还将讨论第71部分易裂变材料豁免和一般许可的最新监管历史,包括2015年的法规制定工作。最后,本文将概述即将发布的有关裂变材料豁免和一般许可的NUREG / CR文件,并讨论正在制定的建议,以备将来对法规进行修订。



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