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ODISEES: Ontology-driven Interactive Search Environment for Earth Sciences




This paper discusses the Ontology-driven Interactive Search Environment for Earth Sciences (ODISEES) project currently being developed to aid researchers attempting to find usable data among an overabundance of closely related data. ODISEES' ontological structure relies on a modular, adaptable concept modeling approach, which allows the domain to be modeled more or less as it is without much concern for terminology or external requirements. In the model, variables are individually assigned semantic content based on the characteristics of the measurements they represent, allowing intuitive discovery and comparison of data without requiring the user to sift through large numbers of data sets and variables to find the desired information.
机译:本文讨论了目前正在开发的由本体论驱动的地球科学交互式搜索环境(ODISEES)项目,以帮助研究人员在过量的紧密相关数据中寻找可用数据。 ODISEES的本体结构依赖于模块化的,适应性强的概念建模方法,该方法可以或多或少地对领域进行建模,因为它对术语或外部需求没有太大的关注。在模型中,根据变量表示的度量的特征为变量分别分配了语义内容,从而允许直观地发现和比较数据,而无需用户筛选大量的数据集和变量来查找所需的信息。



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