首页> 外文会议>International foundations congress and equipment expo >Dry Soil Mix Column Shear Panels Constructed Beneath Lost Lake Dredge Disposal Island Levee

Dry Soil Mix Column Shear Panels Constructed Beneath Lost Lake Dredge Disposal Island Levee

机译:干燥土壤混合柱剪切面板,下面的Lake Droeded Disposal Island堤防



The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manages the Houston Ship Channel dredging operations, required to maintain the flow of barges within the ship channel. Disposing of the dredge materials requires the creation of disposal islands throughout the channel. A levee surrounds each island to contain the dredge material during a storm event, preventing spillage into the ship channel, which would inhibit movement of barges through the channel and shutting down all commerce. In 2009, the USACE led a project to increase the existing levee heights at a number of the islands to increase dredge storage capacity, including the Lost Lake Dredge Material Placement Area (DMPA). Lost Lake's current levee elevation of EL. +8.2 m (27.0 ft) required a change in grade to EL. +10.9 m (36.0 ft) an increase of 2.7 m (9 ft). During construction, the levee failed several times over a 640.0 m (2,100 ft) stretch. This portion of the levee had a history of failure. The poor soils beneath the levee footprint in this area required stabilization prior to increasing the elevation. The design-build team designed a deep soil mix (DSM) ground improvement program, which included shear panels with overlapping dry soil mix columns, to improve soil beneath the levee with a combined shear strength of 1,000 psf. The panels were constructed at varying depths and lengths depending on the strength of the in situ soil, and were perpendicular to the levee. Dry soil mixing proved to be challenging and required very precise planning and execution because it was located on an island, but also proved to be the most cost effective method due to the remote nature of the work. The levee now performs as designed since raising its elevation to EL. +10.9 m (36.0 ft) after ground improvement.
机译:美国陆军工程兵团(USACE)设定休斯顿船舶通道疏浚操作,以维持船舶渠道内的驳船流。处理挖泥船材料需要在整个渠道中创建处置岛屿。堤防周围的每个岛屿都在风暴事件中遏制疏浚物料,防止溢出到船舶通道,这将抑制驳船通过通道的运动并关闭所有商业。 2009年,USACE带领一个项目,以增加一些岛屿的堤坝高度,以增加疏浚储存能力,包括丢失的湖泊挖泥船材料放置区(DMPA)。失去了湖的目前的堤防eL。 +8.2米(27.0英尺)所必需的级别变为EL。 +10.9米(36.0英尺)增加2.7米(9英尺)。在施工过程中,堤坝在640.0米(2,100英尺)伸展时失效了几次。这部分堤坝有失败的历史。在增加升高之前,在该区域下堤坝占地面积下方的差的土壤需要稳定。设计 - 建设团队设计了深土混合(DSM)地面改进计划,包括具有重叠干燥土壤混合柱的剪切面板,以改善堤坝下方的土壤,剪切强度为1,000 psf。根据原位土壤的强度,在不同的深度和长度以不同的深度和长度构造,并且垂直于堤坝。干旱土壤混合被证明是具有挑战性,需要非常精确的规划和执行,因为它位于岛上,但由于工作的远程性质,也被证明是最具成本效益的方法。堤坝现在表现为设计,因为将其提升到EL。地面改进后+10.9米(36.0英尺)。



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