
A novel multi metric QoS routing protocol for MANET




The network topology in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) dynamically changes due to mobility of nodes and power constrained, hence routing is a challenging issue in these networks. QoS aware routing is needed to provide optimal routes as a function of parameters like bandwidth, delay, packet loss etc. Our approach is focused on QoS enabled route discovery procedure which involves estimation of node bandwidth and delay at every node. The routing requirements of hard real time applications with stringent constraints of bandwidth and delay limit can be fulfilled using this approach. Existing link recovery strategy involves frequent route discoveries which incur high routing overhead and increased end-to-end delay. Most of the routing protocols in this category use single route and do not utilize multiple alternate paths. In this paper, efficient link failure strategy is also incorporated by estimating link expiration metric with the help of signal intensity level to provide prediction before route break up. The performance of the proposed approach is analyzed through simulation. Results show that our approach has been found outperforming to existing approaches.



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