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Germinating the 2050 cis-lunar econosphere




In early 2013, Marshall Space Flight Center's upper management chartered a diverse team for a six-week “sprint” to speculate (in a disciplined manner) and paint (with broad brush strokes) a picture of how earth, space, and public/private entities might be operating and relating to each other... in the year 2100. Two 12-person groups of civil servants, one with members having 15 years or less of NASA experience and the other with more senior members, worked independently and then compared and integrated their conclusions. In 2014, the “Space 2100” team, with some new team members and different group boundaries, ran a longer sprint to a) develop more detailed estimates of the operations and economics of space activities in the vicinity of the Earth and Moon in the 2050 time frame, b) identify evolutionary paths, barriers, and opportunities, and c) suggest actions and philosophies to enable and invigorate progress towards the vision. This paper explores Space 2100's first two sprints and their projections of NASA's role in what will likely be a highly networked, international space industry and cis-lunar infrastructure.
机译:2013年初,马歇尔太空飞行中心的高层管理人员召集了一支多元化的团队进行了为期六周的“冲刺”,以推测(以纪律的方式)并用粗笔画作画,以描绘出地球,太空以及公共/私人的状况实体可能正在运营并彼此关联……在2100年。两个12人的公务员小组独立工作,然后进行比较并整合他们的结论。 2014年,“ Space 2100”团队(其中有一些新的团队成员和不同的团队边界)进行了较长的冲刺,以:a)对2050年地球和月球附近的太空活动的运营和经济状况进行更详细的估算时间框架; b)确定进化路径,障碍和机遇,以及c)建议采取行动和理念以实现并激发实现愿景的步伐。本文探讨了Space 2100的前两个冲刺,以及它们对NASA在高度网络化的国际太空工业和顺月基础设施中的作用的预测。



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