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Knowing me, knowing you: the role of trust, locus of control and privacy concern in acceptance of domestic electricity demandside response




Choosing to take part in a demand-side response (DSR) programmeentails accepting external influence over one’s energyconsumption patterns, such as through price or direct loadcontrol (DLC) signals. If participation is low, the programmewill be ineffective. How might people’s perceptions of their relationshipwith the influencing entity affect the likelihood ofparticipation? This study used a representative survey of GreatBritain (N=2002) to explore the importance of trust, privacyconcern and locus of control for acceptance of different approachesto influencing electricity consumption.Survey respondents were randomly shown a description ofone of five DSR products (static time of use [TOU] tariff, staticTOU with automated response to price changes, dynamic TOU,dynamic TOU with automated response, and DLC), framed asbeing offered by their electricity supplier. They then respondedto a number of scales including those intended to measure trustin their supplier, privacy concern and locus of control.Controlling for demographic variables, trust in electricity supplierwas significantly positively associated with acceptance ofall tariffs, although the effect size was smaller for the automatedTOU tariffs. The specific measure of trust in the supplier to ensurea reliable electricity supply was significantly negatively associatedwith acceptance of the dynamic TOU tariff. Privacy concernwas significantly negatively associated with acceptance of alltariffs, with the strongest effect for the automated dynamic TOUtariff. Locus of control was a significant factor only in the caseof DLC, where external locus was related to higher acceptance.These results suggest the existing low levels of trust in energycompanies in the UK may present a challenge in securing uptakeof DSR, and an opportunity to trusted entrants from othersectors. Automation within the home may mitigate trust concerns,but people must have sufficient confidence in the privacyof this arrangement. DLC may be viewed especially positivelyby people who currently perceive themselves to have little controlover their energy use, but protections should be in place toensure they are not exploited.
机译:选择参加需求侧的响应(DSR)计划 需要接受对一个人的能量的外部影响 消费模式,例如通过价格或直接负载 控制(DLC)信号。如果参与低,程序 将无效。人们如何看待他们的关系 随着影响的实体会影响可能的可能性 参加?这项研究用来了对伟大的代表性调查 英国(N = 2002)探索信托,隐私的重要性 接受不同方法的控制的关注和控制轨迹 影响电力消耗。 调查受访者随机显示了描述 五种DSR产品之一(静态使用时间[Tou]关税,静态 Tou自动回复价格变化,动态tou, 动态TOU与自动响应和DLC),框架为 由他们的电力供应商提供。然后他们回答了 对于许多尺度,包括旨在衡量信任的尺度 在他们的供应商,隐私问题和控制轨迹。 控制人口变量,信任电力供应商 与接受显着相关 所有关税,虽然自动化的效果大小较小 tou关税。供应商信任的具体衡量标准,以确保 可靠的电力供应显着消极相关 接受动态tou关税。隐私问题 与所有人的接受显着呈负相关 关税,具有最强的自动动态效果 关税。控制轨迹只是在案例中的重要因素 DLC,外部轨迹与较高的接受有关。 这些结果表明了现有的低能量信任程度 英国的公司可能在确保吸收方面提出挑战 DSR,以及向其他人信任参赛者的机会 行业。家庭内的自动化可能会缓解信任问题, 但人们必须对隐私有充分的信心 这种安排。 DLC可以特别积极地观看 由目前察觉自己的人有点控制 通过它们的能源使用,但保护应该到位 确保他们没有被利用。



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