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Preliminary Maneuver Analysis for the Europa Clipper Multiple-Flyby Mission




A multiple-flyby mission to the Jovian moon Europa has been proposed. Currently known as the Europa Clipper, the primary objective of this mission would be to observe the science-rich environment of Europa. After a launch in 2021 and a 6.5-year cruise, the Europa Clipper spacecraft would orbit Jupiter's system for a 3.5-year tour. During the Europa Clipper tour, propulsive maneuvers would be necessary to correct the spacecraft's trajectory due to flyby dispersions. Maneuvers would be accomplished through the use of two independent propulsion systems. The bi-propellant main engine assembly performs large maneuvers, while the reaction control system thrusters handle small trajectory corrections. This paper presents the feasibility of the proposed tour by producing statistical △V results given by the reference trajectory and orbit determination covariance analysis. Preliminary results show that the tour's statistical △V average would be approximately 4 m/s per flyby. This result is comparable to the Cassini Mission at Saturn statistical predictions prior to Saturn Orbit Insertion. However, the number of maneuvers within the typical petal orbit petal duration (i.e. approximately 14 days between Europa flybys) could present challenges to the operational schedule, including the placement of contingency maneuver opportunities. This paper describes the navigation-sensitive portions of the trajectory and offers recommendations to improve robustness.
机译:有人提议对木星欧罗巴进行多次飞越任务。目前被称为欧罗巴快船,这项任务的主要目的是观察欧罗巴科学丰富的环境。在2021年发射并进行了6.5年的巡航之后,欧罗巴快船号航天器将绕木星的系统运行3.5年。在“欧罗巴快船”巡演期间,由于飞越的飞散,必须进行强制性机动以纠正航天器的轨迹。机动将通过使用两个独立的推进系统来完成。双推进剂主发动机总成执行较大的机动,而反作用控制系统推进器则处理较小的轨迹校正。本文通过产生参考轨迹和轨道确定协方差分析给出的统计△V结果,提出了拟议旅行的可行性。初步结果显示,此次巡回的统计△V平均约为每飞行一次4 m / s。这一结果可与“土星轨道插入”之前卡西尼号在土星的统计预测相媲美。但是,在典型的花瓣轨道花瓣持续时间内(即欧罗巴飞越之间大约14天)内的机动次数可能会对操作时间表构成挑战,包括应急机动机会的位置。本文描述了轨迹的导航敏感部分,并提出了改善鲁棒性的建议。



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