首页> 外文会议>Conference on advances in optical and mechanical technologies for telescopes and instrumentation >Mechanical thermal design challenges in building a semi-cold near infrared spectrograph. The Robert Stobie - Near Infrared Spectrograph for SALT

Mechanical thermal design challenges in building a semi-cold near infrared spectrograph. The Robert Stobie - Near Infrared Spectrograph for SALT

机译:在构建半冷近红外光谱仪中的机械和热设计挑战。 Robert Stobie-SALT的近红外光谱仪



The near infrared upgrade to the Robert Stobie Spectrograph (RSS/NIR) for the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) extends the capabilities of the visible arm RSS into the Near Infrared (NIR). In order to extend into the NIR range, the upgrade components of the instrument are required to be cooled. Thus the NIR arm is predominantly housed in the instrument pre-dewar which is cooled to -40°C, at ambient pressure. The multiple modes, prime focus location and partially cooled instrument introduce interesting engineering considerations. The NIR spectrograph has an ambient temperature collimator, a cooled (-40°C) dispersers and camera and a cryogenic detector. The cryogenic dewar and many of the mechanisms are required to operate within the cooled, atmospheric environment. Cooling the pre-dewar to -40°C at prime focus of the telescope is also an engineering challenge. Mechanical and thermal aspects of the design are addressed in this paper with a particular emphasis on the unique considerations of building a semi-warm infrared spectrograph.
机译:南非大型望远镜(盐)的近红外升级到罗伯特Stobie光谱仪(RSS / NIR)将可见臂RSS的能力延伸到近红外(NIR)。为了延伸到NIR范围内,需要冷却仪器的升级部件。因此,NIR臂主要容纳在仪器前液体中,在环境压力下冷却至-40°C。多种模式,主要焦点位置和部分冷却仪器引入有趣的工程考虑因素。 NIR光谱仪具有环境温度准直器,冷却(-40°C)分散器和相机和低温探测器。低温露天和许多机构需要在冷却的大气环境内操作。在望远镜的主要重点下将前杜瓦预测到-40°C冷却也是工程挑战。本文在本文中解决了设计的机械和热方面,特别强调了构建半热红外光谱仪的独特考虑因素。



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