
On satisfying green SLAs in distributed clouds




With the massive adoption of cloud-based services, high energy consumption and carbon footprint of cloud infrastructures have become a major concern in IT industry. Consequently, many governments and IT advisory organizations have urged IT stakeholders (i.e., cloud provider and cloud customers) to embrace green IT and regularly monitor and report their carbon emissions and put in place efficient strategies and techniques to control the environmental impact of their infrastructures and/or applications. Motivated by this growing trend, we investigate, in this paper, how cloud providers can meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with green requirements. In such SLAs, a cloud customer requires from cloud providers that carbon emissions generated by the leased resources should not exceed a fixed bound. We hence propose a resource management framework allowing cloud providers to provision resources in the form of Virtual Data Centers (VDCs) (i.e., a set of virtual machines and virtual links with guaranteed bandwidth) across a geo-distributed infrastructure with the aim of reducing operational costs and green SLA violation penalties. Extensive simulations show that the proposed solution maximizes the cloud provider's profit and minimizes the violation of green SLAs.
机译:随着大量采用基于云的服务,云基础架构的高能耗和碳足迹已成为IT行业的主要关注点。因此,许多政府和IT咨询组织已敦促IT利益相关者(即云提供商和云客户)采用绿色IT,并定期监测和报告其碳排放,并制定有效的策略和技术来控制其基础架构和环境对环境的影响。 /或应用程序。受这一增长趋势的推动,我们在本文中研究了云提供商如何满足具有绿色要求的服务水平协议(SLA)。在此类SLA中,云客户要求云提供商将租赁资源所产生的碳排放量限制在一定范围内。因此,我们提出了一种资源管理框架,允许云提供商在地理分布的基础架构中以虚拟数据中心(VDC)的形式(即具有保证带宽的一组虚拟机和虚拟链接)配置资源,目的是减少运营费用和违反绿色SLA的处罚。大量的仿真表明,所提出的解决方案可最大程度地提高云提供商的利润,并最大程度地减少对绿色SLA的违反。



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