首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing >~2TL: a Scheduling Algorithm for Meeting the Latency Requirements of Bursty I/O Streams at User-Specified Percentiles

~2TL: a Scheduling Algorithm for Meeting the Latency Requirements of Bursty I/O Streams at User-Specified Percentiles

机译:〜2TL:用于满足用户指定百分位数突发I / O流延迟要求的调度算法



In a cloud data center, it is common for a storage system to be shared by front-end, user-interacting applications and back-end, data-intensive applications running on different virtual machines (VMs). Although it is necessary to meet the latency requirements of I/O streams generated by the VMs that execute the front-end applications, this can be difficult because: (1) often their latency requirements are specified at percentiles and (2) some of these streams issue requests in bursts. This paper proposes ~2TL, a scheduling algorithm designed to meet the latency requirements of these applications. To meet latency requirements at user-specified percentiles, ~2TL continuously controls the number of requests that expire before being serviced. To handle request bursts, it proactively adjusts scheduling parameters to avoid violations to latency requirements. We evaluated ~2TL on a simulated RAID storage system using workloads that consist of concurrent I/O streams that cover a wide range of access characteristics, including burstiness. In this evaluation, latency requirements were specified at various percentiles found in the literature. When the storage system was sufficiently provisioned, it met the latency requirements of each workload without degrading storage system performance.
机译:在云数据中心,这是很常见的一个存储系统通过前端,用户交互应用程序和后端,在不同的虚拟机(VM)上运行的数据密集型应用程序共享。虽然有必要满足执行前端应用程序的VM生成的I / O流的延迟要求,但这可能很困难,因为:(1)它们的延迟要求通常以百分位数和(2)其中一些Streams在突发中发出请求。本文提出〜2TL,一种旨在满足这些应用程序的延迟要求的调度算法。为了满足用户指定百分比的延迟要求,〜2tl持续控制在维修之前过期的请求数。要处理请求突发,它主动调整调度参数,以避免违反延迟要求。我们使用由并发I / O流组成的工作负载在模拟RAID存储系统上进行评估〜2TL,该流量包括覆盖各种访问特征,包括突发。在该评估中,在文献中发现的各种百分位中指定了延迟要求。当存储系统被充分配置时,它会符合每个工作负载的延迟要求,而不会降低存储系统性能。



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