首页> 外文会议>IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation >Self-adaptive differential evolution with local search chains for real-parameter single-objective optimization

Self-adaptive differential evolution with local search chains for real-parameter single-objective optimization




Differential evolution (DE), as a very powerful population-based stochastic optimizer, is one of the most active research topics in the field of evolutionary computation. Self-adaptive differential evolution (SaDE) is a well-known DE variant, which aims to relieve the practical difficulty faced by DE in selecting among many candidates the most effective search strategy and its associated parameters. SaDE operates with multiple candidate strategies and gradually adapts the employed strategy and its accompanying parameter setting via learning the preceding behavior of already applied strategies and their associated parameter settings. Although highly effective, SaDE concentrates more on exploration than exploitation. To enhance SaDE's exploitation capability while maintaining its exploration power, we incorporate local search chains into SaDE following two different paradigms (Lamarckian and Baldwinian) that differ in the ways of utilizing local search results in SaDE. Our experiments are conducted on the CEC-2014 real-parameter single-objective optimization testbed. The statistical comparison results demonstrate that SaDE with Baldwinian local search chains, armed with suitable parameter settings, can significantly outperform original SaDE as well as classic DE at any tested problem dimensionality.
机译:作为一种非常强大的基于种群的随机优化器,差分进化(DE)是进化计算领域中最活跃的研究主题之一。自适应差分进化(SaDE)是一种著名的DE变体,旨在缓解DE在众多候选对象中选择最有效的搜索策略及其相关参数时所面临的实际困难。 SaDE使用多种候选策略进行操作,并通过学习已应用策略的先前行为及其关联的参数设置来逐步调整所采用的策略及其随附的参数设置。尽管非常有效,但SaDE更加专注于勘探而不是开发。为了增强SaDE的开发能力并保持其勘探能力,我们遵循两种不同的范式(Lamarckian和Baldwinian)将本地搜索链合并到SaDE中,这两种范式在SaDE中利用本地搜索结果的方式有所不同。我们的实验是在CEC-2014实参数单目标优化测试平台上进行的。统计比较结果表明,在适当的参数设置下,带有Baldwinian本地搜索链的SaDE(具有合适的参数设置)可以显着优于原始SaDE和经典DE。



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