首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing >Exploring one pass learning for deep neural network training with averaged stochastic gradient descent

Exploring one pass learning for deep neural network training with averaged stochastic gradient descent




Deep neural network acoustic models have shown large improvement in performance over Gaussian mixture models (G-MMs) in recent studies. Typically, deep neural networks are trained based on the cross-entropy criterion using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). However, plain SGD requires scanning the whole training set many passes before reaching the asymptotic region, making it difficult to scale to large dataset. It has been established that the second order SGD can potentially reach its asymptotic region in one pass through the training dataset. However, since it involves expensive computing for the inverse of Hessian matrix in the loss function, its application is limited. Averaged stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) is proved simple and effective for one pass online learning. This paper investigates the ASGD algorithm for deep neural network training. We tested ASGD on the Mandarin Chinese record speech recognition task using deep neural networks. Experimental results show that the performance of one pass ASGD is very close to that of multiple passes SGD.



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