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Design to improve the freshman admissions process




Universities are under increasing pressure to decrease operation costs to reduce increasing tuition and to maintain or improve enrollment rates. These two conflicting pressures come to a head with the University Admissions Department, which must meet target enrollment rates within their budget. The admissions department at George Mason University must currently hire outside application readers in order for admissions counselors to complete all fundamental admissions tasks by their deadlines. The hours worked by outside readers accounts for approximately 8% of hours worked by the freshman admissions staff during the reading season. One way of reducing labor costs is by reducing or reorganizing the staff to be comprised of fewer high salary employees. Lower wage employees are less skilled and are limited to performing specific tasks. The goal of this paper is to design the process and analyze the feasibility of reorganizing the admissions staff. To lower system costs and make the process feasible, reorganization must occur without decreasing enrollment rates or increasing the time students wait for service. The design alternatives tested were: (1) the current process, (2) Decreasing the number of counselors and increasing the number of outside readers, (3) Removing outside readers, adding fellows, and specializing tasks between fellows and counselors. and (4) Keeping outside readers and specializing tasks between fellows and counselors. The utility of each alternative from first to last are: 0, 0.290, 2, and 0.376. Alternative 3, removing outside readers, adding fellows, and specializing tasks between fellows and counselors, is recommended, as it shows the greatest improvement of the admissions process out of the alternatives.
机译:高校承受着降低运营成本,减少学费,维持或提高入学率的越来越大的压力。大学招生部面临这两个相互矛盾的压力,必须在预算范围内达到目标入学率。乔治·梅森大学的招生部门目前必须聘用外部申请阅读器,以便招生顾问在截止日期之前完成所有基本招生任务。在阅读季节,外部阅读者的工作时间约占新生招生人员工作时间的8%。减少劳动力成本的一种方法是减少或重组由更少的高薪员工组成的员工。较低工资的雇员技能较低,并且只能执行特定任务。本文的目的是设计流程并分析重组招生人员的可行性。为了降低系统成本并使流程可行,必须在不降低入学率或不增加学生等待服务时间的情况下进行重组。测试的设计替代方案包括:(1)当前的过程,(2)减少咨询员的数量并增加外部读者的数量,(3)删除外部读者,增加研究员,并专门研究研究员与顾问之间的任务。 (4)留住外部读者,并在研究员和辅导员之间专门从事任务。从头到尾的每个替代项的效用分别为:0、0.290、2和0.376。建议采用替代方案3,该方案除去外部读者,增加研究员,并专门研究研究员与辅导员之间的任务,因为这显示出替代方案对录取过程的最大改进。



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