首页> 外文会议>International conference on human-computer interaction;International conference on engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics >Cog Watch - Automated Assistance and Rehabilitation of Stroke-Induced Action Disorders in the Home Environment

Cog Watch - Automated Assistance and Rehabilitation of Stroke-Induced Action Disorders in the Home Environment

机译:Cog Watch-家庭环境中因中风引起的动作障碍的自动协助和康复



Stroke frequently causes apraxia, particularly if it affects the left-hemisphere. A major symptom of apraxia is the presence of deficits during the execution and organization of activities of daily living (ADL). These deficits may substantially limit the capacity of stroke patients to live independently in their home environment. Traditional rehabilitative techniques to improve ADL function revolve around physical and occupational therapy. This approach is labor intensive and constraints therapy to clinical environments. The CogWatch system provides an supplementary means of rehabilitation that is based on instrumented objects and ambient devices that are part of patients' everyday environment and can be used to monitor behavior and progress as well as re-train them to carry out ADL through persistent multimodal feedback.
机译:中风经常引起失用,特别是如果它影响左半球。失用症的主要症状是在执行和组织日常生活活动(ADL)期间出现赤字。这些缺陷可能会严重限制中风患者在家庭环境中独立生活的能力。改善ADL功能的传统康复技术围绕着物理和职业疗法。这种方法是劳动密集型的,并且限制了对临床环境的治疗。 CogWatch系统提供了补充的康复手段,该手段基于患者日常环境中的仪器对象和周围设备,可用于监测行为和进展,并通过持续的多模式反馈对其进行再培训以进行ADL 。



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