
Quality metric for accurate overlay control in <20nm nodes




The semiconductor industry is moving toward 20nm nodes and below. As the Overlay (OVL) budget is getting tighter at these advanced nodes, the importance in the accuracy in each nanometer of OVL error is critical. When process owners select OVL targets and methods for their process, they must do it wisely; otherwise the reported OVL could be inaccurate, resulting in yield loss. The same problem can occur when the target sampling map is chosen incorrectly, consisting of asymmetric targets that will cause biased correctable terms and a corrupted wafer. Total measurement uncertainty (TMU) is the main parameter that process owners use when choosing an OVL target per layer. Going towards the 20nm nodes and below, TMU will not be enough for accurate OVL control. KLA-Tencor has introduced a quality score named 'Qmerit' for its imaging based OVL (IBO) targets, which is obtained on the-fly for each OVL measurement point in X & Y. This Qmerit score will enable the process owners to select compatible targets which provide accurate OVL values for their process and thereby improve their yield. Together with K-T Analyzer's ability to detect the symmetric targets across the wafer and within the field, the Archer tools will continue to provide an independent, reliable measurement of OVL error into the next advanced nodes, enabling fabs to manufacture devices that meet their tight OVL error budgets.
机译:半导体行业正在朝向20nm节点和下面移动。随着覆盖(OVL)预算在这些高级节点处越来越紧,在OVL误差的每个纳米中的准确性中的重要性至关重要。当流程所有者选择OVL目标和方法时,他们必须明智地完成它;否则报告的OVL可能是不准确的,导致产量损失。当不正确选择目标采样图时,可能会发生相同的问题,由不对称的目标组成,这将导致偏置可纠正术语和损坏的晶片。总测量不确定性(TMU)是处理每个层时使用OVL目标时使用的主参数。走向20nm节点,下面,TMU不足以准确的OVL控制。 KLA-Tencor推出了一个名为'Qmerit'的质量分数,用于其基于成像的OVL(IBO)目标,它是在X&Y中的每个OVL测量点的飞行中获取的。这个Qmerit分数将使工艺所有者能够选择兼容为其过程提供精确的OVL值的目标,从而提高它们的产量。与KT分析仪一起检测晶片上的对称目标的能力,Archer工具将继续为下一个高级节点提供独立,可靠地测量OVL误差,使FAB制造符合其紧密OVL错误的设备预算。



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